Digital livestock farming develops in Tatarstan

10 February 2021, Wednesday

Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Tatarstan - Minister of Agriculture and Food of Tatarstan Marat Zyabbarov announced this today in his report at an expanded meeting of the board of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Tatarstan. The results of animal husbandry in the republic at the end of the year exceeded the forecasted indicators. All categories of farms produced 1 million 935 thousand tons of milk, including 1 million 413 thousand tons (plus by 2019 2% and 5%, respectively) in agricultural formations, productivity per cow was 6334 kg (108% by 2019, plus 134 kg to the plan).

Breeding farms produce 34% of all republican milk, while having 28% of cows with a productivity of more than 8000 kg. In municipal districts, the largest volumes of milk are in Kukmorsky, Atninsky, Baltasinsky, Sabinsky, Aktanyshsky districts. They are followed by over 32% of the republic's milk. Each of them sells milk worth up to 8 million rubles daily.

Thanks to the accumulated fodder base, livestock keeping conditions and approach to the feeding process, high productivity of the dairy herd is ensured. A number of districts produce milk with a growth rate of over 6%.

Meat production plans have also been fulfilled. Livestock and poultry produced more than 528 thousand tons of meat. Tatarstan is fully self-sufficient in animal husbandry products. In the republic, we produce 37% above the consumption rate for milk and by 25% for meat (standard: milk - 325 kg, meat - 91 kg). In recent years, the investment attractiveness of the industry has increased.

Work to modernize and build dairy farms and complexes with their transfer to high-tech equipment is underway. 16 dairy complexes for 6400 heads were put into operation. This made it possible to obtain an additional 40 thousand tons of milk per year. In the next 2 years, the implementation of 23 investment projects for 24 thousand heads will continue and it is planned to build 10 new dairy complexes for 9,700 heads, which will increase milk production by 3% annually.

Digital livestock farming is developing. Herd management and feeding programs have been established in 105 farms of the republic, where the number of cows makes up 47% of the dairy herd. Moreover, over the past year, milk production on these farms increased by 12%. Additional proceeds from the sale of milk amounted to 2.1 billion rubles.

In 2018, all agricultural enterprises of the Atninsky district established a herd management program. Thanks to the program and systematic daily work on the organization of balanced feeding of animals, an increase in the calf litter (by 5%), their high preservation and the raising of heifer livestock, we have obtained an average annual productivity of over 11 tons per 1 cow. The proceeds for two years from the sale of milk amounted to 441 million rubles.

The "Latypova'' farm in Vysokogorsky region in May last year put into operation a robotic dairy complex for 140 cows. The herd management system allows the farm to monitor changes in animal health at an early stage of disease. Management of feeding, milking and herd reproduction is also organized. Task plans are automatically generated for specialists, for example, a list of cows for insemination. As a result of the application of the technology, the productivity of the dairy herd has increased from 14 to 28 kg per day. For six months of work, a 6.8 million rubles economic effect was obtained.

Marat Zyabbarov noted that the organization of feed centers is a priority. 17 feed centers were put into operation in 10 municipal districts. The construction of another 20 feed centers is planned for this year.

“Digital solutions allow building a systematic accounting, protocol work of each technological process, selecting a ration and feeding scheme for animals, controlling movement, monitoring health and preventing epizootics. All this, accordingly, facilitates the work of heads of agricultural formations and veterinarians, ”the minister said.

At the same time, the situation with the spread of infectious diseases in livestock and poultry remains tense in the republic. Therefore, a unified system of registration and accounting of animals is being introduced. To date, 25 thousand heads of cattle (3.6% of the total livestock) have been identified and registered in the animal registration program in the republic.

From 2022, differentiated coefficients (10% of the average rate) will be introduced for the subsidy for milk sold according to 8 main selection criteria. By the end of 2021, agricultural producers who meet these criteria will receive the appropriate financial support.

Let us remind our collegium of the ministry in 17, the President of Tatarstan instructed to bring the coverage of artificial insemination of cattle in personal subsidiary plots to 70%. The result has been achieved.

Marat Zyabbarov announced what tasks the department will solve in 2021.

Recovery and improvement of the cow population

Balanced feeding

Cattle identification

Digital livestock

Milk production for all categories of farms should be close to 2 million tons. (1 million 970 thousand tons), with a 6700 kg productivity per cow. To bring the production of livestock and poultry for slaughter in live weight across all categories of farms to 535 thousand tons.

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