Two new lines for the production of loose compound feed were launched in Tatarstan

9 February 2021, Tuesday

At the farms "Avgust-Kamskoe Ustye" and "Avgust-Tyulyachi" lines for the production of compound feed were put into operation. The total amount of investments, according to the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Tatarstan, was more than 1.8 million rubles.

The lines can be programmed for 18 recipes. They will provide agricultural companies with complete feed of controlled quality and stable composition. It is essential for the proper functioning of the digestive system of cattle.

The capacity of the facilities is 4200 and 3200 kg per hour. It allows you to fully cover the current needs of farms for compound feed. Each installation is served by one operator from the control panel. The autonomous operation of each of the two bunkers is also provided - according to its own program.

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