News from the districts: Buinsky plant was the first in Tatarstan to complete sugar processing

14 January 2021, Thursday

The first to work with raw materials was the Buinsky sugar plant. This agricultural season the enterprise has processed more than 700 thousand tons of beets. 4.5 thousand tons of root crops were processed here per day. Production was more than 126 thousand tons, which is 8.1 thousand tons more than last year. Beets were supplied to the plant by Apastovsky, Drozhzhanovsky, Kaibitsky, Tetyushsky regions, as well as the Republic of Chuvashia.

“Work at the sugar factory did not stop for a minute. Acceptance was carried out from 6 am to 10 pm. Sugar beet was taken according to two indicators: sugar content and pollution. The higher the sugar content, the lower the content of non-sugar and the contamination of root crops, the higher the quality of the beets, ”says the head of the plant Valery Pogrebnoy.

He also said that the enterprise is operating normally, sugar is being supplied to retail chains, both large, tech and small at prices prescribed in the agreement on taking measures to stabilize prices with the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia, and no price increase is planned.

According to the operational data of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Tatarstan, this year more than 1.9 million tons of beets were harvested in the republic, more than 2 million tons of beets were processed. To date, raw materials in the amount of 82 thousand tons remain to be processed by the Zainsky plant. An agreement was also signed with the company to stabilize prices, according to which the wholesale selling price should not exceed 36 rubles per kg.


For reference:


Buinsky Sugar is one of the well developing enterprises of the processing industry, not only in the region, but also in the Russian Federation. Last year, more than 470 thousand tons of root crops were processed here, producing 62 thousand tons of sugar and 14 thousand tons of granulated pulp.

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