Tatarstan is a leader in the development of land reclamation in Russia

28 December 2020, Monday


The All-Russian Conference "Strategic Development of the Land Reclamation Complex of Russia until 2031", organized by the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia, took place at the site of the SAP Digital Leadership Center. The event was attended by Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Tatarstan - Minister of Agriculture and Food of Tatarstan Marat Zyabbarov, General Director of the Tatmeliovodkhoz Federal State Budgetary Institution Mars Khismatullin, Head of OAO TK Tatmelioratsiya Rustem Sungatullin, as well as representatives of the scientific community and agribusiness. The moderator of the plenary session of the conference was Dmitry Sorokin, Director of the Melioration Department of the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia.

Marat Zyabbarov noted that 5.5 million tons of grain, 2.1 million tons of sugar beets, 1.5 million tons of potatoes and vegetables were produced in Tatarstan this year. These results were achieved thanks to the consistent support of agricultural producers, including the land reclamation.

“The development of the reclamation complex and the effective use of existing systems and the construction of new ones is one of the priority directions for the development of the agro-industrial complex of the region. The federal institution Tatmeliovodkhoz, subordinate to the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia, and the regional system of design and construction organizations "Tatmelioration" annually carry out construction, installation and maintenance works on land reclamation for about 750-800 million rubles. More than 3 thousand hectares of modern irrigated land are being commissioned, about 50 GTS are being overhauled, more than 30 water wells are being drilled”, the minister said.

“Within the framework of targeted programs and projects, more than 6.2 thousand hectares of irrigated land have been commissioned this year, about 90 thousand hectares of acidic soils have been limed. All irrigated lands are being equipped with modern wide-coverage circular irrigation machines manufactured by the Kazan irrigation equipment plant, which successfully work also in other regions of Russia, such as the Republic of Altai, Mari El and Udmurtia, ”said Marat Zyabbarov.

Concluding the plenary session Dmitry Sorokin noted Tatarstan for the high level of organization of the implementation of the federal target program for the development of land reclamation.

“Tatarstan is one of the leading regions and an example for many farmers of our country, where large-scale programs for the development of land reclamation are being successfully implemented. Thanks to the well-coordinated work of the regional authorities, agricultural producers and ameliorators, Tatarstan was one of the first regions to fulfill its obligations to develop land reclamation, stipulated by the agreement with the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia, ensuring the introduction of indicators above the forecast level for all measures of the State program. The commissioning of reclamation facilities implemented within the National Project and the Federal Targeted Program was also organized ahead of schedule”, noted Dmitry Sorokin.


For reference:


In 2020, the reclamation divisions of Tatarstan, within the federal and republican target programs, carried out repair and restoration work at 128 reclamation facilities. Under the federal targeted program, together with Rostekhnadzor of the Russian Federation, 4 large federal reclamation facilities with a total area of ​​2,270 hectares were built and commissioned ahead of schedule.

Under the federal program, projects have been developed for the reconstruction of 6 federal facilities on an area of ​​more than 3 thousand hectares, and flood control measures have been taken at five federal facilities.

Within the departmental program "Development of the Land Reclamation Complex of Russia" for the current year, agricultural producers received subsidies for hydro-melioration, cultural and technical works and liming of acidic soils for a total amount of 241 million rubles.

According to the federal project "Export of agricultural products" due to the development of hydro reclamation and technical re-equipment of irrigated lands this year, the indicative figure has been fulfilled by 122%. 1,220.5 hectares of irrigated land were commissioned.

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