Rural housing, roads, communications, playgrounds and sports grounds: What has been achieved within the new Integrated Rural Development Program?

17 December 2020, Thursday

This was announced today by the Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Tatarstan - Minister of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Tatarstan Marat Zyabbarov at the XV Congress of the Association of the Council of Municipal Formations of the Republic of Tatarstan.

The President of the Republic of Tatarstan Rustam Minnikhanov, Prime Minister of the Republic of Tatarstan Alexey Pesoshin and Chairman of the State Council of the Republic of Tatarstan Farid Mukhametshin took part in the work of the congress.

The first year of implementation of the state program "Comprehensive Development of Rural Areas" for 2020-2025 is coming to an end and the results can already be summed up.

“One of the priorities of our work is to improve the quality of life, including those living in the countryside. The state program with its comprehensive approach to solving these problems came in very handy, ”said Marat Zyabbarov.

The amount of funds for the implementation of the State Program in the Republic of Tatarstan this year amounted to 3,090.7 million rubles, including the federal budget - 1,336.1 million rubles, the budget of the Republic of Tatarstan - 1,038.8 million rubles, funds from local budgets - 40, 3 million rubles, extra-budgetary funds - 675.5 million rubles. In terms of financing of the State Program at the expense of the federal budget, this year the Republic of Tatarstan is one of the three leaders in the country.

The state program provides 9 events, and the republic took part in 8 of them.

Measures to improve the living conditions of citizens made it possible to commission 21.8 thousand square meters of housing and provide housing for 315 families. Funds were allocated to workers in the agro-industrial complex and the social sphere of the village for the construction and purchase of housing in rural areas. 70% was at the expense of budget funds, and at the expense of citizens - 30%. Baltasinsky, Zelenodolsky, Sabinsky, Sarmanovsky, Kukmorsky districts took an active part here.

The financial support for the construction of housing provided under lease agreements will allow by the end of the year to commission 7.1 thousand square meters of housing and provide housing for 100 families.

The next new and effective tool to support the villagers was the Rural Mortgage program. Having started in the current year, the rural mortgage was positively accepted by residents. The mechanism provides for the provision of preferential mortgage loans to citizens of the Russian Federation at a rate of up to 3% in the amount of up to 3 million rubles for the construction and purchase of housing in rural areas and rural agglomerations.

Tatarstan became one of the leading regions in terms of the volume of rural mortgage lending, providing more than 1,300 families with funds for the purchase and construction of housing. The total volume of loans issued amounted to 3.2 billion rubles. More than 1,400 families have been able to purchase or build housing.

A socially significant area of ​​the State Program "Improvement of Rural Areas", has more than 500 projects implemented:

- arrangement of recreation areas, sports and playgrounds - 283 units,

- sidewalks and footpaths - 70 units,

- solid municipal waste sites - 57 units,

- lighting - 79 units;

- restoration and repair of monuments to the heroes of the Great Patriotic War - 54 units.

One of the most important directions included in the State Program is the construction and reconstruction of highways connecting rural settlements. This made it possible to connect 6 inhabited localities of the republic with roads length of 15.6 km.

Another new, large direction of the State Program is the Departmental Target Program "The Modern Look of Rural Areas", which provides the construction and overhaul of social and cultural facilities (schools, clubs, kindergartens) and engineering infrastructure facilities. For the current year, 2 objects were included in the Oktyabrsky village of the Zelenodolsk region (treatment facilities and sewerage networks). The project turned out to be difficult, but thanks to the support of the President of the Republic, Rustam Nurgalievich, adjustments were made to the project and the funds will be used by the end of the year and the facility has been commissioned.

Marat Zyabbarov recalled that the budgets of municipal districts, rural settlements, their income part, largely depend on the level of development of rural areas, business activity of the population. Therefore, he turned to the heads of rural settlements with a request to find initiative citizens, to ensure their participation in the programs of the Ministry and to help in the preparation of documents.

At the end of his speech, the head of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Tatarstan, on behalf of all villagers, thanked the President of the republic for his attention to this State program and support.

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