Alexey Pesoshin presented state awards of Russia and Tatarstan

16 December 2020, Wednesday

State awards of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Tatarstan were presented today in the Kazan Kremlin by the Prime Minister of the Republic of Tatarstan Alexey Pesoshin. The laureates were 40 residents of the republic who distinguished themselves in the educational sphere, health workers, large industrial enterprises of the republic, government bodies, as well as representatives of the economy, food industry, agriculture, construction complex, sports, art workers and others.

".In his speech, Alexey Pesoshin noted that the key to the successful development of the Republic is daily work of its inhabitants.

“Your work is a significant contribution to the development and well-being of the Republic of Tatarstan. Despite the difficult period, Tatarstan maintains a leading position among the constituent entities of the Russian Federation".

According to him, one of the strategic priorities of the republic's economic and social policy is the development of the agro-industrial complex. More than 5 thousand agricultural enterprises of various forms of ownership function in the republic.

“Tatarstan is a self-sufficient region and fully satisfies the needs of the population for basic foodstuffs,” said Alexey Pesoshin. Thus, in the current year, a record grain harvest for the last 12 years has been harvested - 5.5 million tons. The republic confidently maintains a leading position in milk production. The enterprises of the agro-industrial complex of Tatarstan produce 6% of all Russian milk.

Vyacheslav Namestnikov, a machine operator of the Rodina collective farm in the Alekseevsky district, was awarded the honorary title "Honored agricultural machine operator of the Republic of Tatarstan". Naila, LLC Chelny-Broiler, paper collector, was awarded the title "Honored agricultural worker of the Republic of Tatarstan".

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