Agroindustrial park Kazan launched a campaign to support agricultural producers of Tatarstan

15 December 2020, Tuesday

The Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Tatarstan informs that the rent of retail space in the agro-industrial park "Kazan" during the whole pre-New Year month will be only 1 ruble, besides, veterinary control will be carried out free of charge.

“We have been doing this in support of agricultural producers for the second year in a row. The event is necessary for both agricultural producers and buyers, it is designed to increase the range of republican products and discover the names of new farmers. On New Year's Eve, there is an abundance of goods at the grocery market. But often the products of those who grow and process agricultural products on their own cannot be represented due to economic and logistics costs. This is especially actual for remote areas of our republic. This year, in December, we decided to abandon the rent and provided an opportunity to expand the sales market, ”Oleg Vlasov, General Director of Agroindustrial Park Kazan JSC, explained the essence of the action.

Under the terms of the action, only agricultural producers who are not currently operating in the Kazan Agro-Industrial Park are invited to the complex. There are more and more people wishing to take part in the action every day, but the number of places is limited by the capabilities of the complex. Detailed conditions of the promotion can be found on the Agroprompark website or by calling 8 (843) 237-64-34.

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