Farming dynasties: support of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Tatarstan within the National Project helped to continue the family business

7 December 2020, Monday

64 farmers, who received state support from the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Tatarstan within the National Project "Small and Medium Enterprises and Support for Individual Entrepreneurial Initiatives" this year, are growing vegetables, raising marketable fish, beekeeping, horse breeding, and working in dairy and beef cattle breeding. The latter direction was also chosen by Danil Vildanov from the Apastovsky district.

Danil Vildanov continues the family's business. His father together with his brother, created a peasant farm many years ago and started his own business. For many years he was engaged in animal husbandry. And today his son continues the work he started.

“Every father is pleased to see that his sons continue his work with dignity. My son took a chance and started his own business. He works based on my advice. I hope that in the future he will achieve his goals, ”says Fail Vildanov.

In 2020, within the National Project "Small and Medium Enterprises and Support of Individual Entrepreneurial Initiatives", Danil received a grant from the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Tatarstan in the amount of 5 million rubles for fattening 80 heads of cattle. The farmer used the grant to buy a tractor and eighty gobies. Now he is building a farm on an area of ​​1 hectare.

The farmer graduated from the Kazan University of Chemical Technology, but noisy city life did not interest him. After receiving his diploma, he returned to his native village with an intention of fulfilling his dream.

“Since childhood, I dreamed of becoming like my father. Working next to him, I saw all the subtleties of keeping and raising livestock. Therefore, I know the essence of farming very well. Of course, you have to work around the clock. The farmer has no days off or holidays. Animals cannot stay hungry, they require daily attention. I am very glad that I started my own business”, says Danil.

As long as the weather is favorable, the farmer will do as much as possible. The pillars of the future building have already been erected, building materials have been delivered. The farm is being built in accordance with all the conditions stipulated by the program. The farm has created two additional jobs.

Brother Inzil helps to cope with the household. They are familiar with animal husbandry since childhood. Both have their own peasant farms and are actively working on their development.

In addition to farming, Danil Vildanov is engaged in beekeeping and maintains 50 hives.

“The main thing is not to be afraid of competitions, to participate, to use the opportunities provided by the state, ”say the farmers.

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