More than 500 objects of improvement of rural territories appeared in Tatarstan in 2020

2 December 2020, Wednesday

In 2020, more than 500 improvement facilities were built in Tatarstan villages. This became possible thanks to the successful implementation by the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Tatarstan of the state program "Comprehensive development of rural areas." Within the program, 791.8 million rubles were allocated for the improvement of rural areas, including 459.2 million rubles from the federal budget, and 332.6 million rubles from the budget of the Republic of Tatarstan. In addition, the municipal districts raised funds in the amount of 11.3 million rubles, and from extra-budgetary sources - 347.2 million rubles.

These funds were used to carry out work on 501 improvement objects in the villages of the republic. 256 recreation areas, sports and playgrounds were equipped, 54 monuments to the heroes of the Great Patriotic War, 64 lighting objects, 70 pedestrian communications and 57 solid municipal waste sites were restored and repaired.

The state program "Comprehensive development of rural areas", developed by the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia, provides the implementation of measures aimed at improving the well-being and employment of the rural population, maintaining its share in the total population of the country, creating comfortable living conditions, including the development of water supply and sanitation systems, communications and telecommunications, increasing the level of gasification, creating affordable conditions for receiving social services of education and healthcare, as well as improving the quality of road infrastructure.

28 municipal districts of the republic took part in the improvement of rural areas. The largest number of improvement projects was implemented in Kukmorsky (97 objects), Buinsky (74 objects), Menzelinsky (62 objects) and Mamadyshsky districts (55 objects).

For example, in the villages of Lyuga, Manzaras, Kachimir, Kamyshly, Bolshoi Kukmor, Verkhniy Iskubash, Zhiloy Rudnik, Yantsobino, Oluyaz, Balykly, Verkhniy and Nizhniy Kazaklar, Urasbash, Kopki, Staraya Ucha, Lelvizh, recreation areas, parks, sports and children's playgrounds were equipped. In addition, natural landscapes, historical and cultural monuments were restored, monuments to soldiers who died in the Great Patriotic War were ennobled, lighting and pedestrian communications were organized. One of the facilities opened quite recently; on December 1, a recreation park was opened in the village of Kamyshly, Kukmorsky district, and it is also planned to install a hockey rink.

The Integrated Rural Development Program will continue in 2021 and subsequent years. All districts of the republic can take part in activities for the improvement of rural areas. You can clarify the terms of the program by calling the call center of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Tatarstan: 8-800-444-16-70.

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