There is a fair - and here is Maisky

30 November 2020, Monday

At every fairground of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Tatarstan on Saturdays there is a van of the Mayskiy greenhouse complex vegetables. And every time there is a stir around it.

Greenhouse complex "Maisky" is a brand. Moreover, not declared, as is often the case, but recognizable by everyone. Most of us know the expressions "May cucumbers" or "May tomatoes". It’s not like these vegetables were produced in May, but they were grown at the Maisky greenhouse complex.

Mayskiy Greenhouse Plant LLC is one of the largest greenhouse enterprises in Russia with a production volume of 41,000 tons of vegetables in 2018 and about 44,000 tons in 2019.

The current volume of the enterprise is about 200 kg per square meter of cucumbers and more than 100 kg of tomatoes.

The 45-year path of the enterprise upward was not easy, but interesting. Many people at the plant also remember the introduction of low-volume technologies, when zeolite-containing bases came to replace peat-manure soils. Then drip irrigation came - pipes were connected to each plant through which water and fertilizers are supplied to the root system. Further, a controlled supply of carbon dioxide necessary for plants was adjusted. Then they began to introduce light culture, and then even in the darkest period of the year - November-December - it became so bright in the greenhouses, as if thousands of suns had illuminated them at once.

Further, low greenhouses were replaced by high, six-meter ones. Steel ceilings with curtains regulate the air-thermal regime.

Simultaneously with the development of manufacturability of production, mechanization and automation were introduced. The company has built its own power center, which meets the needs of the enterprise in heat energy by 100% and 88% of electricity needs.

For many years, the plant has been operating a biocomplex that allows growing vegetables without the use of pesticides: insects-entomophages are fighting against pests and diseases there.

Winter is a time when we lack vitamins. And it's good that we have Maisky.

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