Tatarstan residents can support the Yelabuga kvass drink in the "Tastes of Russia" competition

25 November 2020, Wednesday

The Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Tatarstan nominated the Yelabuzhsky Kvassnoy Drink brand (Yelabuga Pishchekombinat CJSC) for participation in the first national competition of regional brands “Tastes of Russia”.

Kvass is a very ancient drink. The first prototypes, representing a cross between kvass and beer, appeared in Egypt in the 3rd millennium BC. But in Tatar cuisine, kvass appeared relatively recently. Rye, for example, became known to the Bulgars through Russian merchants. Kazan monasteries have long been famous for their excellent kvass.

Yelabuga kvass drink is made in compliance with all quality criteria. Its recipe is based on traditional brewing and dates back to ancient times. The kvass contains a rusk mixture of rye and wheat flour, fermented dry rye malt, low-calorie blend syrup, 100% natural kvass wort and natural apple juice.

Fermented rye malt is a versatile product with health benefits due to its valuable composition. It gives the drink a deep noble dark shade and natural taste of fresh rye bread. Kvass is made from filtered, purified and softened water.

The drink has a refreshing and unique bread flavor and noble dark color. Thanks to its unique composition, it has a beneficial effect on the body and perfectly quenches thirst.

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