Vladimir Putin signed a decree on rewarding the family of a combine operator from the Baltasinsky District raising 15 children

24 November 2020, Tuesday

President of Russia Vladimir Putin signed a decree on Russian state awards. The document was published on the official portal of legal information.

Thus, the order for merits in strengthening the institution of the family and in raising children "Parental Glory" was awarded to 8 Russians, two more received medals.

The large family of Khabir and Alsu Mukharlyamova from the Baltasinsky region also became holders of the Order of Parental Glory. We already talked about this family in 2019. Khabir Mukharlyamov is a simple combine operator - tractor driver. Together with his wife Alsu Gilemkhanovna, they raised 15 children. All of them are involved in work, which will definitely help them find their way in life.

The Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Tatarstan reminds that the Order of Parental Glory was established on May 13, 2008, it is awarded to parents and adoptive parents who bring up seven or more children. Each family to be awarded is paid a lump sum of 100 thousand rubles.

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