Exchange of experience and internships: Agrarians of Tatarstan are invited to a free webinar

16 November 2020, Monday

The Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Tatarstan informs that on November 16 at 12:00 on the single educational platform "Agropolya" a videoconference will be held on the system of interregional internships and exchange of experience for cooperative managers.

During the meeting, the Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Tatarstan Rishat Khabipov will speak. He will talk about the main challenges cooperative managers face. Renat Mamaev, an expert on the development of rural entrepreneurship and cooperation, will be the speaker of the course.

During the event, it is also planned to involve experts from Germany (Leipzig), who can be asked questions that interest you.

To participate in the training, you must register on the Agropolya portal or call the toll-free number: 88005502441.

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Registration will allow participants to view past seminars, as well as ask questions during training.

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