How to build a successful business in the countryside: a school for novice farmers opens in Tatarstan

16 November 2020, Monday

The Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Tatarstan invites those wishing to start their own business in the countryside, young farmers, as well as heads of peasant farms who have been working for less than one year to become a member of the School of the Beginning Farmer. After graduation from the School, participants will receive a certificate of advanced training from the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Tatar Institute for Retraining of Agribusiness Personnel".

The course "School for the Beginner Farmer" will be held from November 23 to December 1, 2020 on the basis of the educational platform "Agropolya".

The first three days of the school are designed for self-study, where participants will learn about government support for small forms of farming, subsidies to family livestock farms, grants and how to successfully participate in them, consider the issues of document management and taxation of peasant farms.

Especially for the School, online tours to successful farms have been prepared to consolidate knowledge on the examples of existing farmers.

On November 26 and 27, at webinars, novice farmers will be able to ask questions of interest to experts and get first-hand answers about making business plans. The most important stage will be a Strategic Session with representatives of marketplaces and farm stores, who will tell you how the marketplace for village products is arranged.

To participate in the School for a Beginner Farmer, you must fill out an electronic application on the website: by November 21, 2020.

Organizers of the event: RPO "Agrarian Youth Association of the Republic of Tatarstan", Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Additional Professional Education "Tatar Institute for Retraining of Agribusiness Personnel", Joint Stock Company "Republican Information and Computing Center".

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