The Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Tatarstan nominated Agryz lemonade for the "Tastes of Russia" competition

12 November 2020, Thursday

Older people have not yet forgotten the taste of real lemonade. For Soviet children, this sparkling water with syrup was a real delicacy.

It is this kind of lemonade that is produced in the non-alcoholic beverages production department of the consumer society of the Agryz district. It's no secret that in the pursuit of profit, many modern manufacturers are replacing quality natural ingredients with the cheapest flavors and additives. A sip of this bright-looking liquid called lemonade leaves a persistent chemical aftertaste in the mouth. Agryz residents pushed off the temptations and decided to play precisely on the quality and natural rich taste of their products. The products have gained popularity not only in the region, but also far beyond. That is why the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Tatarstan nominated Agryz lemonade for the first national competition of regional brands "Tastes of Russia".

Since 2019, Khlebopischekombinat has expanded the production of a line of medium carbonated soft drinks. To keep up with the times, there was a need to distribute branded products. At the production meeting, it was decided to use a regional brand called Agryz Lemonade.

Agryz water is extracted from local artesian springs in the lower part of the city, it is purified through carbon filters using special equipment, and is enriched with ultraviolet light. Test trials were carried out, licensing and certification documents were issued. The product is quite competitive in the local market both in quality and in price.

The Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Tatarstan recalls that on November 19, a popular vote will be announced on the Tastes of Russia website, within which everyone will be able to support his favorite regional brand.

All project participants will be included in the federal program of support and promotion, will have a chance to improve the qualifications of employees, and the winners will get the opportunity to receive support for the growth of demand and sales.


For reference:


The Agryz District Consumer Union was formed in 1930. In 1949, a bakery was founded in the meadow town of Agryz. In 1956, a new bakery building with two FTL-2 ovens was built on the street named after Lenin, where bakery products were manually produced. A school of bakers was organized, where young specialists from all over Tatarstan studied. In 1976, the building of the bakery was commissioned, they began to produce dryers, salted fish and cold smoking, soft drinks. The shops for soft drinks and fish salting have been reconstructed.

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