About 500 regional brands will take part in the "Tastes of Russia" competition

10 November 2020, Tuesday

On November 9, the acceptance of applications for the "Tastes of Russia" competition ended. 79 constituent entities of the country announced about 500 regional brands of food products, which will take part in the selection and comprehensive support program developed by the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia. Thus, thanks to the competition, a large-scale map of Russia's tastes was formed - for the first time at the all-Russian level, such an array of data on the country's main food brands was collected.

The most common of these are dairy products - 16% of the total number of applications. Traditional products from meat and poultry meat, fruits and vegetables, confectionery and soft drinks are also popular in the regions. In addition, the competition allowed identifying a number of new or almost forgotten brands that have good development prospects. For example, at present such a product as "Smolensk Confections" is being revived - fruits glazed in sugar that were served to the table of Russian emperors. Among the Yakut products, you can find foal, fish, syrups and jams from wild berries, and a wide range of vegetables and fruits was presented by the Voronezh, Moscow and Tambov regions.

The leaders in terms of the number of applications became the Republic of Bashkortostan, the Moscow Region, the Republic of Tatarstan and the Kaliningrad Region - each of these regions submitted over 20 brands. Bashkortostan, in particular, presented for the competition such unique national products as dry-cured kazy and korot cheese, the Moscow region - farm cheeses in the widest range and Lukhovitsky cucumbers, juicy tomatoes and strawberries. The Republic of Tatarstan will introduce consumers to the Tatar kazalyk and dry-cured poultry. The Kaliningrad region announced a wide range of sausages, ham and pates.

The competition commission will select the winners of the competition in December. In addition, a vote will take place from November 19 to December 2, during which every resident of Russia will be able to support his favorite product and his region. According to the results of the competition, finalists will be determined in 8 nominations, which will allow to fully reveal the potential of various brands - from widely known in our country and capable of conquering foreign markets, to small ones, which, with some support, can give an impetus to the development of rural areas.

The competition will create new drivers for the growth of the agro-industrial complex, including supporting small producers, stimulating the development of rural areas and agritourism.

More information is available on the website вкусыроссии.рф.

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