Farmers and agricultural producers of Tatarstan can insure their livestock with 50% state support

5 November 2020, Thursday

Insurance is one of the most effective ways to stabilize risks in the agricultural sector, enabling commodity producers to compensate losses of agricultural products, protect themselves from possible bankruptcy, and ensure the sustainability of financial performance. In this regard, agricultural insurance with state support as a risk management tool is considered as one of the options in the program for the development of the agricultural sector.

Insurance of farm animals with state support consists in compensation of 50% of insurance premiums by the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Tatarstan. Every year the mechanism of agricultural insurance of animals is improving, becoming more flexible and aimed at increasing the availability and interest of farmers.

In total, in the Republic of Tatarstan in 2020, insurance companies made 5 insurance contracts for agricultural animals in terms of state support. Most of the policyholders are large poultry and pig industries that do not need to be persuaded to insure. Under existing contracts, 44% of the industrial poultry population is insured, and more than 24% of the livestock in pig breeding.

The total insured amount exceeded 1 billion rubles, the amount of collected premiums was 11.5 million rubles. They transferred 4.9 million rubles subsidies.

The number of insured farm animals amounted to 134.5 thousand heads, and the level of insurance coverage of the total livestock is 11.2%. By the end of 2020, it is planned to insure 138.5 thousand heads for 6 million rubles.

The players in the agricultural insurance market with state support in the livestock subsector in 2020 were 2 insurance companies: JSC IC RSHB-Insurance and LLC IC Soglasie.

Insurance cases are prescribed in contracts: these are infectious animal diseases (according to the list approved by Order of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation No. 242 of June 24, 2013, containing 62 diseases), mass poisoning - sudden poisoning with poisonous herbs or substances, including feed, natural disasters ( lightning strike, earthquake, dust storm, hurricane wind, strong blizzard, storm, flood, landslide, avalanche, mudflow, landslide), disruption of the supply of electrical, thermal energy, water as a result of natural disasters, if the conditions of keeping farm animals require the use of electrical, heat energy, water and fire.

In accordance with Article 4 of Federal Law No. 260-FZ, an agricultural insurance contract for farm animals is concluded:

- for all farm animals of one or several species in the subject of the Russian Federation available to the agricultural producer.

- for a period not shorter than one year.

"Further development of the agricultural risks insurance system will increase the sustainability of the livestock industry and make it possible to strengthen its competitive advantages in the international agricultural market, providing a solution to the problem of food security," said Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Tatarstan Lenar Garipov.

You can consult on the issues of state support in agricultural insurance at the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Tatarstan by calling 8-800-444-16-70 or by phone 8 (843) 221-76-88 (ext. 8829)


For information:

Insurance companies providing agricultural insurance in Tatarstan:

- JSC IC RSHB-Insurance O. P. Sankova Tel .: 8 9600556055.

- LLC "SK Soglasie" Khametzakirov R.M., tel .: 8 9172353021.

- Ibragimova R.I. Ibragimova IJSC "VSK" Tel .: 8 9196981011.

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