"Tatar Baly" will represent the republic at the "Tastes of Russia" competition

28 October 2020, Wednesday

The Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Tatarstan nominated Tatar Baly honey in the first national competition of regional brands “Tastes of Russia”.

Natural honey is a great source of vitamins, essential amino acids and minerals. "Tatar Baly" is collected from all over Tatarstan and is distinguished by a particularly rich taste and unique aroma. Our goal is to share this unique taste with the whole world.

The chairman of the cooperative, the second generation beekeeper Yazil Mullakhaziev from Kukmorsky district, together with his family and friends-beekeepers, decided to join forces and cooperate for joint work - this is how the Tatar Baly cooperative appeared. It produces and sells honey, bee bread, pollen , drone brood, beading. The main task of all members of the cooperative is to collect honey as a raw material on the territory of the Republic of Tatarstan. In order to achieve a variety of beekeeping products, some members of the cooperative conduct nomadic work in the fields of endomorphic crops. After the sun sets, all the bees gather in hives and the loading of the bee colonies into trailers begins. At night, the hives are sent to the honey fields and set up. By sunrise, the litters open, the bees begin the process of rehabilitation to a new area and collecting nectar. The speed of collecting honey depends on the duration of flowering, weather, presence of bees from other apiaries in the vicinity. The flight range of bees is seven kilometers or even more. Qualified members of the cooperative work as nomadic honey collectors. This year, about 100 tons of honey were collected by all members of the cooperative.

Today, the products of the regional brand Tatar Baly are presented in the Bakhetle trade network throughout Russia, in the Our Farmer stores in the Republic of Tatarstan, and in the online store.

We remind you that the aim of the "Tastes of Russia" competition, which is held by the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation, is to draw attention to the successes of small and medium-sized businesses in the agro-industrial sphere and to help create new points of growth and development for the country's rural areas.

You can apply for the participation until November 9. Further, from November 19 to December 2, a popular vote will take place on the portal of the "Tastes of Russia", after which the expert group will determine the best regional brands. The results of the competition will be announced in mid-December.

All project participants will find themselves in the federal program of support and promotion, they will have a chance to improve the qualifications of their employees, and the winners will get the opportunity to receive support for the growth of sales.

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