Vysokogorsky district fields records

26 October 2020, Monday

71.3 centners of spring wheat per hectare were received by the grain growers of LLC Bitaman of the Vysokogorsky region this year. This is more than what was obtained on the experimental plots of the breeding center.

Undoubtedly, it’s an outstanding result, which opens up new horizons of agricultural art for managers and agronomists of farms. But how did you manage to achieve a record yield in the northern zone of the republic with poor gray forest and podzolic soils?

“We have two plots with black earth soils, of 55 and 25 hectares,” says Shaukat Vakhitov, director of Bitaman LLC. - We sowed super-elite seeds of the Ulyanovskaya 105 variety, obtained two years ago from the breeding nursery of the Ulyanovsk Research Institute of Agriculture.

There are many factors that affect the final result of harvest. The chief agronomist of the farm, Gumer Fayzrakhmanov, outlined in the agronomic report all stages of the formation of a record harvest - from the previous crop to the last treatment of crops.

So: on a 55-hectare plot, where 73 centners of grain per hectare were obtained, in 2019 the green manure fallow - rape was sown there. In August, organic matter, which is about 200-250 centners per hectare, was plowed into the soil. A good recharge was obtained for the future harvest. Then the soil was plowed deeply with a chisel plow.

In the spring, as soon as it became possible to go out into the field, the arable land was fenced in two tracks with tooth harrows. After that, a couple of days later, a combined unit was launched, combining cultivation, crushing and leveling of the soil in one pass. And then, on the same day, the field was sown with an 850 MB KPC seeding complex. At the same time, the unit simultaneously cultivated the soil, harrowed, leveled it, and immediately inlaid seeds were applied along with granular complex fertilizers - diammophos - at the rate of 250 kg / ha plus liquid nitrogen fertilizers (UAN).

- There was enough moisture in the soil, so the seedlings turned out to be friendly, - says Fayzrakhmanov. - First we carried out pre-emergence, then post-emergence harrowing.

An important step to the goal was done. But it was not just that. It was necessary to protect crops from the "green fire". First, in the phase of 1-2 leaves, the machine operator Rustem Nuriev sprayed the crops using a trailed sprayer with insecticides - against pests. After that, root fertilization of wheat with ammonium nitrate was carried out at a dose of 150 kg / ha using seeders.

In the tillering phase, the crop was treated against weeds with herbicides. The working mixture was tank-based: a growth stimulator was added to the water - for foliar feeding. After a while, the treatment with a tank mixture was repeated: this time, a fungicide was mixed in the fluid - against rust, an insecticide - against various flea beetles, as well as liquid nitrogen fertilizers and microelements for foliar feeding.

The costs amounted to 409 rubles per hectare. Profitability is 48%.

“Truly talented people work at Bitaman LLC,” the Deputy Minister of Agriculture of the Republic of Tatarstan for agriculture Ildus Gabdrakhmanov described the success achieved at the farm. - Knowledge, creative search, multiplied by hard work, and, of course, good luck, led to such an impressive result.

By the way, on the 25-hectare floodplain area, where the predecessor was winter rye, and the technology was similar, they also got an excellent yield - 67.4 centners of grain per hectare. In general, grain and leguminous crops gave the farmers of the economy an average of 55 centners of grain per hectare.

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