A farmer from Buinsky district distributed more than half a ton of apple harvest to retirees

30 September 2020, Wednesday

The Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Tatarstan pays great attention to the development of small and medium-sized businesses in rural areas. Today, in every district there are people who, with the support of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Tatarstan, have opened their own business in the countryside, farmers and young entrepreneurs who are doing what they love in their native village. One of these is the Davletshin family from the Buinsky district.

Farmers Zamil and Milyausha Davletshins returned from the capital to their native village of Bik-Uteyevo several years ago in order to revive the apple orchard of their youth. In 2018, they received a grant from the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Tatarstan in the amount of 1.5 million rubles for growing fruit and berry crops on an area of ​​3.3 hectares. This fall, for the first time, apples were harvested, the seedlings of which were planted in 2017.

“More than 9 thousand apple trees of five varieties have been planted, most of them are intended for long-term storage. Only 1/3 of the apple trees yielded the harvest, on average one apple tree gives 10 kg of apples. In the future, we hope to get thirty kilograms of apples from each bush, ”says Zamil Davletshin.

This year, the farmer has planted 22 thousand seedlings on 16 hectares, and he plans to plant another 5 thousand using new technology - with a special support brought from Kabardino-Balkaria, a drip irrigation system. The row spacing of the bushes is four meters, the distance between the seedlings is one meter.

Zamil Davletshin takes an active part in life of the village, on the eve of the Day of the Elderly, he handed out three kilograms of apples to each of 170 retirees who live in the Bik-Uteevsky rural settlement of Buinsky district.

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