Agrarians of the republic are actively registering on a specialized educational platform

23 September 2020, Wednesday

Farmers can gain knowledge in the field of agro-industrial complex and study all the specifics of agricultural activity on the Agropolia information platform. The system was developed with the support of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Tatarstan on the basis of the Republican Information and Computing Center (RICC). First Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Tatarstan Nail Zalakov announced this today at a press conference at the Tatar-Inform news agency. He stressed that the resource will provide new knowledge, modern technological solutions and tools for the practical application of skills.

“100 people have already applied for the first lesson, mainly from the districts of Tatarstan, ”said RIVC General Director Niyaz Khaliullin. Also, the general director of the RIVC noted that the modern world needs to constantly learn, while the quality of education is important, classes on the Agropolia information platform can be viewed at any convenient time, for this you only need access to the Internet. Today there are two types of training - paid, costing from three to eight thousand rubles for 3.5 months and free.

The online school of agribusiness will allow you to get education anywhere in the world.Among the teachers of the school there are experts from all over the country, which will allow exchanging experience with other regions and applying best practices. The plans are to scale the school to the federal level!

Register for a free lesson.

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