The farmers of the Buinsky region received 3500 tons of sugar.

21 September 2020, Monday

In the fields of the Buinsky district, the harvesting of sugar beets, which farmers cultivated on an area of ​​7011 hectares, is gaining momentum.

To date, 26% of the area has been harvested, with an average yield of 307 centners from 1 ha.

A good yield of sugar beet - 550 centners per hectare - was achieved by the workers of the Avangard agricultural firm. The harvesting began on September 13, 3 combines and 2 loaders are working in the fields. On an area of ​​2449 hectares, 7 varieties of sugar beets are grown. One of the highest-yielding varieties, according to the experts of the farm, is the variety "Euphoria", with a yield of 662 c / ha.

The cultivation of beets has its own special agricultural technique. High yields of sugar beet are obtained by the agrarians of the Buinsky region thanks to the intensive soil cultivation.

“We begin to cultivate the soil for sowing sugar beet in the fall,” says the chief agronomist of the Avangard agricultural firm Khamit Gimatdinov. - We clear the soil from weeds, carry out autumn plowing, apply fertilizers, level the surface. And in the spring we do harrowing, sow sugar beets in early May, while the soil is loose. The purpose of cultivating the soil for sugar beet is to create favorable conditions for its development and to provide optimal water-air and nutritional regimes for this.

“Due to the fact that sugar beet requires a deep tillage, fertilization and good crop care, it serves as a valuable precursor for many crops, increases the productivity of field crop rotations, there is enough moisture in the soil. ... Next year we will sow grain on this field, ”says Firgat Kadyrov, deputy general director of the Avangard agricultural firm.

The harvested crop is delivered to the Buinsky sugar factory. Every day the "Avangard" farm transports 3,000 tons of beets with a sugar content of more than 16%.

The Buinsky Sugar Factory began accepting the harvest on 12 September. The plant received more than 55 thousand tons of sugar beet, processed more than 25 thousand tons, and received more than 3500 tons of sugar. The sugar content of the raw material is 16.5%. Average pollution - 7.5%.

According to the director of the Buinsky sugar plant Valery Pogrebny, more than 300 trucks with a load are received daily, which is about 6 thousand tons of harvest.

“The work of the sugar factory does not stop for a minute. Acceptance is carried out from 6 am to 10 pm. Sugar beet is accepted according to two indicators: sugar content and pollution. The higher the sugar content, the lower the content of non-sugar and the contamination of root crops, the higher the quality of the beets, ”says the head of the plant.

Before being processed, sugar beets pass several stages of testing. The quality of new crop is determined in the raw materials laboratory. Determining indicators is an important process. After all, it depends on how much sugar is obtained from raw materials.

Then the beets are sent to the piles, from where they are fed through a hydraulic conveyor to the plant, where they are cleaned and cut into shavings, from which diffusion juice is later obtained (desugarised shavings are sent to drying).

After heating, the purified syrup goes to boiling, where the further evaporation of water from it and crystallization of sucrose happens. The mass enters the centrifuges, as a result, white crystalline sugar and fodder molasses are obtained. The finished granulated sugar is dried and packed in bags of 50, 25 and 10 kg. Sugar is sold and exported by the White House Trading House.

Note that Buinsky Sugar is one of the well developing enterprises of the processing industry not only in the region, but also in the Russian Federation. Last year, more than 470 thousand tons of root crops were processed here, producing 62 thousand tons of sugar, 14 thousand tons of granulated pulp.

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