Export of agricultural products from Russia and Tatarstan showed significant growth

20 August 2020, Thursday

“Based on the results of the first half of 2020, Russia supplied agricultural products to foreign markets with a total value of more than USD 13 billion. This is $ 2 billion, or 18% more compared to the same period last year, ” said Deputy Prime Minister Victoria Abramchenko.

The Deputy Prime Minister noted that the leading buyer of domestic agricultural products in 2020 is China, which imported Russian food in the amount of $ 1.9 billion, which is 35% more than in the first half of 2019. Turkey is in second place with an indicator of $ 1.5 billion (+ 42%), in third place is Kazakhstan, the volume of supplies amounted to $ 974 million (+ 20%).

According to the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Tatarstan, the export of agricultural products of the Republic of Tatarstan was completed by 52% of the plan ($ 318.3 million) and amounted to $ 165.4 million. Compared to the same period last year, the increase is 80.6% or 73.8 million dollars.

Increasing exports of products of the agro-industrial complex of the Republic of Tatarstan, an important place is occupied by the expansion of exports of halal products. Now the total volume of Halal products produced in the republic is more than 7 billion rubles, there are more than 50 manufacturers, including: - 18 export-oriented companies, 5 of which have an international Halal certificate.

Tatarstan plans to increase the export of Halal products by at least 2 times by 2024.

“In the first six months of this year, almost all major groups of goods showed positive dynamics of agricultural exports. Vegetable oils and cereals became the main drivers, in addition, significant growth was recorded in the categories of meat products and sugar. The increase in supplies is facilitated, among other things, by measures of state support aimed at stimulating the production of agricultural products and their certification. In addition, the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia and other departments are actively working to open and expand access for domestic producers to promising foreign markets. In the first half of the year, our products were exported to 149 countries around the world. I am sure that due to the increase in the competitiveness of Russian food, the number of countries - trade partners of Russia, as well as the volume of exports, will increase, ” said Victoria Abramchenko.

The leading trade position in Russia is grain, accounting for 27% of the total supply of agricultural products.

Export of grain crops in physical volume increased by 25% - to 17.6 million tons; positive dynamics, in particular, showed wheat, corn and barley. Turkey, Egypt and Saudi Arabia remain the largest buyers of Russian grain this year.

After a record oilseed harvest last year, exports of fat and oil products in the first half of 2020 rose to $ 2.5 billion (+ 31%). The largest increase was provided by shipments of sunflower oil, which increased by 38% and amounted to $ 1.5 billion. China remains the main buyer, which has tripled its purchases over the specified period, to $ 577 million. Almost half of this volume came from imports of domestic sunflower oil, its supplies increased 3.8 times, reaching $ 282 million. Turkey and India are also among the three exporters of fat and oil products.

In addition, 343 thousand tons of meat and dairy products worth $ 564 million were sent abroad, which is 1.7 times more than last year. The leading positions in this category are taken by poultry meat, the export of which increased 2.2 times - up to 223 million dollars, primarily due to an almost tenfold increase in sales to China. The largest buyers of this group of goods also include Kazakhstan and Ukraine.

Exports of food and processing industry products demonstrated an increase of 25% to $ 2.1 billion. The positive dynamics was mainly due to sugar, the supply of which increased by 4.8 times compared to last year, amounting to $ 314 million. The key importers of Russian products in this segment are Kazakhstan, Belarus and Uzbekistan.

By the end of 2020, in accordance with the passport of the federal project "Export of agricultural products", Russia should export agricultural products and food for $ 25 billion. The Ministry of Agriculture of Russia expects the achievement of the target, which will be facilitated by the implemented measures of state support for manufacturers of export-oriented products.

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