Agrarians of Tatarstan harvested another million tons of grain of the new harvest

10 August 2020, Monday

In Tatarstan, another million tons of grain of the new harvest was threshed. According to the data of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Tatarstan, as of August 10, grain and leguminous crops in the republic were harvested (threshed) from 506.3 thousand hectares, which is 34% of the area of ​​these crops.

This morning, 2 million 26 thousand tons of grain have been threshed in the republic with a yield of 40.6 c / ha. By the amount of threshed grain Buinsky district is the leader - 110 thousand tons. The second place is taken by the Tetyushsky region - 97.7 thousand tons, and the third place is taken by the Zainsky region with 91.9 thousand tons.

In four districts, grain has been removed from almost half of the forecasted areas. So, in Alkeevsky district, grain crops are threshed from 49% of the area, in Buinsky - 46%, in Nurlatsky and Apastovsky - 44%.

The highest grain yield is in the Zainsky district - today it is 61.3 centners / ha. Also among the leaders in this indicator are Tetyushsky, Sarmanovsky and Menzelinsky districts.

According to the information of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Tatarstan, as of the same date last year, grain and legumes were harvested at an area of ​​168.1 thousand hectares, 550 tons of grain were threshed with a yield of 32.7 centners / ha.

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