The berry season is in full swing: Currants in the Vysokogorsky district are harvested with a combine

7 August 2020, Friday

In the village of Yamashurma, Vysokogorsky district, black currants have been harvested for several weeks.

Timur Usmanov started growing berry crops in 2015. “I like to grow currants, I understand its agricultural technology. We grow three high-yielding currant varieties - Ben Hope, Ben Tiran, Tisel, ”says Timur Usmanov.

In 2016, thanks to the support of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Tatarstan, the head of the farm received a subsidy for land reclamation.

On an area of ​​20 hectares, he is already growing currants, raspberries and blackberries. In the future, the expansion of the berry plantation - next year the farmer plans to plant black currants on another 10 hectares.

The first crop of currants at the Kurant berry and honey farm is harvested by residents of nearby villages, who often come from Kazan. There are 5 people permanently working here and several workers are involved for the season.

This year, the farmer bought a semi-row harvester JAREK 5. In a day, this technique is capable of processing 5 hectares of currants, which makes it possible to harvest berries as efficiently as possible.

The farm sells the harvested berries in Kazan markets, in chain stores, and also sends them to other regions. The processing of grown products has been organized.

The berry season at the Courant Berry and Honey Farm is in full swing. In a couple of weeks, remontant raspberries will ripen here and will bear fruit until the very frost. The sale of seedlings for the residents of the republic is organized here as well.

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