An advice to the farmers: How to prevent a fire when harvesting?

5 August 2020, Wednesday

Harvesting is in full swing in Tatarstan. During this period, the issue of ensuring fire safetyq remains relevant. Today, the most serious and dangerous problem is considered to be the occurrence of a fire in the fields sown with grain crops, since straw and heap from grain is a flammable mass.

The issue of preserving crops is under the special control of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Tatarstan. In order to prevent fires and fires during the harvesting period, it is necessary to adhere to the recommendations of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Tatarstan. Before the ripening of ears of corn, grain fields in the places where they adjoin roads and railways must be mowed and plowed with a strip of at least 4 meters in width.

Cleaning equipment, units and vehicles must be operated being in good condition. Combine harvesters are equipped with primary fire extinguishing means (combines and tractors - two fire extinguishers, two bayonet shovels, two brooms; cars - a fire extinguisher and a bayonet shovel). Combines must be equipped with grounding devices.

Agroindustrial complex objects - grain flow, tractor mills, storage facilities for fuels and lubricants, warehouses, office buildings - must be provided with the required amount of water for fire extinguishing, in accordance with the requirements of fire codes and regulations. Fire hydrants and waterways must be kept in good condition.

When harvesting grain tracts of more than 25 hectares in case of fire, a tractor with a plow must be in constant readiness to plow the burning zone. Provide a watch of fire and equipment adapted for fire extinguishing in places of mass agricultural work. Organize the duty of DND and provide the equipment with the necessary fuel supply.

The Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Tatarstan reminds that managers and workers of agricultural enterprises are obliged to strictly observe fire safety rules in order to avoid fires and loss of a large amount of crops. During the harvest season in dry and hot weather, any negligence can lead to a fire and turn the gold of the grain into black ash. If a fire breaks out in the field, moral and material losses will be colossal, therefore, saving the harvest is a priority task not only for grain growers, but also for each of us.

If a fire is detected, immediately contact the rescue service at numbers: 01, 101 or 112.

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