The Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Tatarstan announces the start of accepting applications for the competition "My Land - Russia" among the media, journalists and bloggers

15 July 2020, Wednesday

The Ministry of Agriculture of Russia announced an annual creative competition for the media, journalists and bloggers "My Land - Russia". Since its establishment in 2014, more than 15 thousand projects from all regions of our country have passed through the competition, aimed at popularizing the Russian countryside and drawing attention to its pressing problems. Hundreds of them have been awarded with cash prizes.

They accept journalistic projects designed to form a positive image of the village, disseminate advanced experience in the development of rural settlements.

For the third year in a row, photographers can submit their works to the competition - the best sketches on theme of rural life will become participants in a large-scale photo exhibition.

The solemn ceremony of awarding the winners will take place at the 22nd All-Russian agro-industrial exhibition "Golden Autumn - 2020", which will be held in October.

Read about nominations, conditions of participation and awards of the competition on the website Entries are accepted from July 1 to September 11, 2020. Registration is already open - Documents for participation and projects should be sent by e-mail to Consultations on participation issues are available at 8-800-775-00-84 (call within Russia is free).

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