The youth of Tatarstan finds own vocation in village

14 July 2020, Tuesday

The Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Tatarstan announces the launch of the project “Talents from the Heart of the Republic: Youth / Projects / History” of the regional public organization “Agrarian Youth Association of the Republic of Tatarstan”. As part of it, we will talk about young people who have found their vocation in the agricultural industry.

The first hero of the project is a young combine operator from the Kiyatskoye society of the Buinsky district, who, having graduated from the mechanization faculty of Kazan Agrarian University, returned to his native economy.

“What I want to become in the future, I understood when I was 6 years old when I saw my dad picking up a tractor in the garage,” he remembers. For the first time he got behind the wheel of a combine harvester at the age of 13, was an assistant to the combine operator, then he worked as a combine operator. After graduating from university with great ambitions he returned to the village, but he had little experience. “And when your subordinates suit you as fathers, they try to crush you, reduce your ardor - you need to know your job, not give in to provocations and everything will be fine”.

Now Alexander works as the head of the engineering department of technical maintenance and repair of agricultural machinery in the economy. He began his career in the 8th grade as an assistant to the combine operator. And for the ninth year already, he has been working as a combine harvester.

The Grachev dynasty has been an example for fellow villagers for many years. Grandfather, father and relatives worked all their lives in harvesting. Today, the family business is continued by the younger generation. Alexander Grachev has repeatedly been the winner and prize winner of the Republican contest of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Tatarstan “Best Combiner”.

“Now there are few young people in the village, not everyone is returning to their native village. Although the work is dusty and dirty, and you do not sleep enough - work is work. And I am proud of my job! ”, says Alexander Grachev.


In order to participate in the project and tell your story, send a resume to the mail:


For reference.

OJSC “Kiyatskoye” is a specialized seed production enterprise. It has been a member of the Tatarstan Elite Seeds Association since 1998, as well as the National Union of Breeders and Seed Breeders (Moscow). Today Kiyatskoye OJSC conducts production activities on an area of ​​7,123 hectares of land, including 6,665 hectares of farmland, of which 4,198 hectares of arable land. The large enterprise employs more than a hundred people who produce and sell elite seeds of grain and leguminous crops.


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