In Vysokogorsky district, with the support of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Tatarstan, a robotic family farm has opened

9 July 2020, Thursday

Today, Tatarstan Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Agriculture and Food Marat Zyabbarov visited the Vysokogorsky district of Tatarstan and met with farmers from Aznakaevsky, Mendeleevsky, Kukmorsky, Sabinsky, Tyulyachinsky, Mamadyshsky, Rybno-Slobodsky and Vysokogorsky districts.

The event began with the opening ceremony of the Latypovs collective farm. Lenar Latypov said that the peasant (farm) economy has been operating since 2009. As part of the grant program of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Tatarstan, a family livestock farm was built for 130 animals and Leyly robotic milking equipment was purchased. The farm meets all modern requirements, and in hot weather, a ventilation system works in the cowsheds. Altogether Latypovs contain 200 heads of black-motley cows.

The head of the Vysokogorsky district Rustam Kalimullin and the general director of Leyli Rus LLC, Jeroen Keyser, also attended the opening ceremony of the farm.

Jeroen Keyser noted that he was very glad to take part in the opening of a family-owned robotic farm and expressed confidence that this would significantly increase productivity and facilitate work, and now there would be more time for each other in the family. Indeed, the Latypov family is a good example of a strong and hardworking family. Spouses not only work together, but also raise 4 children, the eldest of whom is studying at the Veterinary Institute and plans to continue the family business, while the youngest is only 4 years old.

Lenar Latypov said that a robotic farm allows to get higher quality milk, and milk yields from first-calf heifers, for example, amount to 37 liters.

“Innovative technologies and digitalization of technological processes in agricultural production is an important stage in modern development,” said Marat Zyabbarov.

Heads of peasant farms of the Sabinsky district also shared their experience of farm robotization. So, Zufar Mukhametshin contains 1700 heads of cattle. After the introduction of robots in 2013, milk production from 19 liters rose to an average of 33 liters. Additional profit helps to successfully develop further, the sons of the farmer are also involved in family business.

The President of the Association of Farmers, Peasant Farmsteads and Agricultural Consumer Cooperatives of Tatarstan Kamiyar Baitemirov expressed his pride for family farms of Tatarstan.

Almaz Khisamutdinov, the head of the Main Veterinary Administration of the Cabinet of Ministers of the RT, drew attention to the importance of veterinary services in the cooperative, and the Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Tatarstan, Lenar Garipov, spoke about modern zootechnical requirements for the development of the dairy herd.

At the end of the event, Marat Zyabbarov noted that the ministry does not agitate everyone to install robots. Each farmer decides for himself how to conduct business, but the herd management program must be mandatory, since this allows you to systematize all management processes and work more efficiently.

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