Rustam Minnikhanov: A form such as consumer cooperation has always been called upon to solve social problems

7 July 2020, Tuesday

The President of the Republic of Tatarstan Rustam Minnikhanov took part in a meeting on the development of an education system of training personnel for consumer cooperation and the largest network corporations.

The meeting was held in the Kazan Cooperative Institute (branch of the Russian University of Cooperation, 58 Ershova street). Its participants were Chairman of the Council of the Central Union of the Russian Federation Dmitry Zubov, Governor of the Ulyanovsk Region Sergey Morozov, Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Tatarstan - Minister of Agriculture and Food of Tatarstan Marat Zyabbarov, Chairman of the Board of the Tatpotrebsoyuz Rashat Shaimardanov, Rector of the Kazan Cooperative Institute of the Russian University of Cooperation Alsu Nabieva and others.

During the event, a presentation of the Russian University of Cooperation and a remote presentation of the selection committee activities took place. An Agreement was signed on the implementation of the COOP-Profi educational program between the Russian University of Cooperation and Sistema JSFC; Agreement on the implementation of the COOP-Profi educational program between the Russian University of Cooperation and the holding company DKBR Mega Retail Group Limited.

The meeting "Development of Education in Consumer Cooperation and the Largest Network Corporations" was held taking into account the priorities facing the system of consumer cooperation and cooperative education. The purpose of the event is the exchange of experience and the development of joint interagency anti-crisis solutions for implementing the best practices of supporting consumer cooperation and cooperative education in the Russian Federation.

During the meeting, Chairman of the Council of the Central Union of the Russian Federation Dmitry Zubov said: a decision was made to transfer the operational office of the Russian University of Cooperation in Kazan to the base of the Kazan Cooperative Institute of RUC. “This is an absolutely objective decision caused by many factors,” said Dmitry Zubov.

In turn, the President of Tatarstan Rustam Minnikhanov said that today there is no alternative to consumer cooperation in the village. According to him, such a form as consumer cooperation has always been called upon to solve social problems. How to get to the hinterland, how to provide essential goods to residents of remote villages, how to provide a procurement system - all these issues are solved by consumer cooperation. “There are many areas that are very important for the village today,” said Rustam Minnikhanov. “And there is a huge gap across the country.” He also recalled that in Tatarstan there is a whole program to create car shops for organizing retail trade in villages, and a program to compensate the cost of delivering essential goods to the outback, there is also a system of monitoring the activities of car shops.

Rustam Minnikhanov also emphasized that for Tatarstan the training of personnel for the consumer cooperation system is very important. “We are interested in contacts with other regions,” Rustam Minnikhanov said. “Therefore, we fully support the decision of the Central Union of the Russian Federation to transfer the operational office of the Russian University of Cooperation to Kazan.”

Rustam Minnikhanov reminded that resource centers which are also aimed at training and retraining specialists in various fields operate in the region. And today they are very in demand. There are 37 similar resource centers in the republic.


For reference:

The Kazan Cooperative Institute - the largest branch of the Russian University of Cooperation (about 7 thousand students are studying there), the leader of the cooperative education in Russia - today acts as an institution for the development of the cooperative industry of federal significance. The leading role is confirmed by its active work: on the basis of the institute a Resource Center for the Development of Cooperation was created; The university is a developer of joint programs within the national projects on the development of agricultural cooperation and agricultural exports, including in the halal segment, the founder of the second Union of Agricultural Cooperatives in KoopSoyuz in the Republic of Tatarstan, the initiator of the creation of a cooperative cluster in the Republic, the main developer of the first professional standard in Russia Specialist in cooperative affairs, operator of the pilot project “School cooperation”, etc.).

Rector of RUC Alsu Nabieva was appointed rector of the Russian University of Cooperation (while retaining management of the Kazan branch of RUK). The transfer of the RUC operational office to Kazan confirms the status of Tatarstan as a forge of professional personnel for key sectors of the economy, the leading region in the development of agricultural cooperation in national projects and integrated rural development programs.

The Republic of Tatarstan is already providing comprehensive support to cooperation - from target budget groups at the request of the Tatpotrebsoyuz to grant support by the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Tatarstan for working cooperatives.

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