Marat Zyabbarov studied the work of agricultural enterprises in the Chistopol region

26 June 2020, Friday

Today, Marat Zyabbarov, accompanied by the head of the district Dmitry Ivanov, got acquainted with the work of a number of agricultural enterprises of the Chistopol region.

So, at Chistay Agro LLC, fodder is being prepared. Speaking with the head of the agricultural enterprise Rafagat Aliulov, the head of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Tatarstan raised the issue of interaction with beekeepers, noting that for many of them this is the only income, and you need to find the maximum understanding. The head of the district noted that cooperation with beekeepers in the region has been established, and next year it is planned to sow fields near the settlements where hives, honey plants and siderates (for example, fatselia) are located.

Next, Marat Zyabbarov visited the fields of the Chistopol state sorting site. Vitaly Novichkov, head of the FSBI State Commission Tatarstan branch, said that about 200 promising varieties and hybrids of crops were sown on the experimental plot. We study not only the quality of varieties, germination, ability to resist diseases, etc., but also their behavior within various treatment with fertilizers and plant protection products. The Minister personally examined varieties of crops and corn.

At the end of the working trip, the head of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Tatarstan visited the Chistopol branch of ZMK JSC. The general director of the enterprise Aufar Galiev, said that the branch daily processes about 250 tons of milk from local farmers and private farms. The work is provided for 174 specialists. In accordance with the recommendations of Rospotrebnadzor, the plant strengthened protective measures. The Minister studied the technological modernization carried out at the plant, the work of laboratories and the working conditions of the company's employees.

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