Marat Zyabbarov reported on the development of small forms of farming in the village

20 June 2020, Saturday

Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Tatarstan - Minister of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Tatarstan Marat Zyabbarov reported on the development of small forms of farming in the village today at a meeting in the Government House of the Republic of Tatarstan.


The President of the Republic of Tatarstan Rustam Minnikhanov held a videoconference with all municipal areas. The meeting was attended by the Prime Minister of the Republic of Tatarstan Alexey Pesoshin.


Today in Tatarstan there are over 450 thousand farms and 295 agricultural consumer cooperatives.


In general, the republic has a positive development dynamics with a slight decrease in production in personal subsidiary plots. So, for 5 months the households produced 186 thousand tons of milk, 31 thousand tons of meat were sold. Farms produced 73.7 thousand tons (108.3%) of milk, sold 9.8 thousand tons of meat (106.2%).


The Minister noted that this year all measures of traditional support for private household plots have been preserved. For these purposes, 477.5 million rubles are provided. In addition to subsidies for the maintenance of cows and goats, the most demanded program is for the construction of dairy mini-farms. This year, 130 applications from 17 municipal districts worth 38.6 million rubles have already been submitted. Aktanyshsky, Cheremshansky, Buinsky, Nizhnekamsky and Alkeevsky districts are especially active.


State support measures contribute to the active development of farms in the republic. They give the greatest increase, which is associated with the dynamic development of animal husbandry. All types of livestock and poultry are growing. In poultry, the number of livestock increased by 40% over the year and reached almost 3 million heads. Cash revenue increased by 11% and amounted to 2.1 billion rubles.


A large amount of work lies ahead in the development of Agricultural Consumer Cooperatives. Of the 295 registered cooperatives, only 123 cooperatives currently carry out real activities, 74 of which have received grant support. Thanks to annual support, the cooperative movement was again revived. Cooperatives have successfully begun work on the processing of agricultural products in Almetyevsk, Vysokogorsky, Rybno-Slobodsky, Laishevsky, Muslyumovsky, Menzelinsky, Sabinsky, Baltasinsky and Arsky regions.


In total, in 2019, over 3 thousand new members were additionally involved in agricultural cooperatives, mainly private subsidiary farms. The cash revenue of agricultural consumer cooperatives almost doubled: from 1.6 billion rubles to 2.9 billion rubles.


Marat Zyabbarov also added that during the current field work an important task is the preparation of feed. To date, 95 thousand tons of hay and 940 thousand tons of haylage have been harvested.


Rustam Minnikhanov emphasized that the development of the livestock sector and the support of small forms in rural areas are very important. “This is not only related to the production, we are talking about people's incomes and the future of village. Therefore, it is necessary to continue all forms of support”, said the President of the Republic of Tatarstan.


Full speech:


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