The first field format agricultural seminar was held in Nurlat region

30 May 2020, Saturday

Tatarstan Deputy Prime Minister - Minister of Agriculture and Food of Tatarstan Marat Zyabbarov visited the Nurlat region today. Here, with the participation of the heads of six districts, as well as the heads of investment companies, a republican zonal seminar on the topic “Formation of crops. Digitalization of the agro-industrial complex" was held.

The seminar was held on the territory of the peasant farm "Suleymanov A.I." Participants of the seminar, accompanied by the head of the Nurlat region Almaz Akhmetshin, visited the fields of winter wheat and green manure near the village of Ilyutkino, as well as a grain farm in the village of Fomkino.

During the event, Marat Zyabbarov, as well as the guests studied the work on formation of agricultural crops and liming of acidic soils. The participants of the seminar were presented samples of winter and spring crops, as well as products of agricultural companies of the republic. Also a presentation on digitalization of the agricultural complex was held. This was described in detail by the Director General of the RIVC Niyaz Khaliullin.

The participants of the event were particularly interested in the experience of the peasant farm "Suleymanov A.I.". So, here in a short time they built the first stationary mortar unit in the Nurlat region. The Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Tatarstan Ildus Gabdrakhmanov, using the example of this complex, spoke about the effectiveness of the solution prepared here for spraying crops.

“Such agricultural training seminars are held at three points in the republic,” said Marat Zyabbarov, Minister of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Tatarstan. - Here we share experiences, news, new trends, technologies. Winter and spring crops are pleasing, our today's goal is to get a rich harvest implementing a set of necessary measures. Liming of acidic soils, the use of mortar nodes - it plays a significant role in the formation of crops ”.

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