Today the Republic of Tatarstan again achieved 4,000 tons of milk production per day

22 May 2020, Friday

Today, according to current data from the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Tatarstan, gross milk yield per day was 4,003.9 tons, which is 223.9 tons more than last year and makes 105.9%. Milk per 1 cow per day is 17.6 kg, which is 1.5 kg more than the previous year. Only 4,536.1 tons of milk were sold for the day, which is 275.8 tons more and makes 106% compared to 2019.

The leaders among the regions of Tatarstan in productivity (milk from one cow per day) are Atninsky (31.6 kg), Kukmorsky (26.5 kg), Mamadyshsky (26.4 kg), Sabinsky (26.3 kg), Baltasinsky ( 23.9 kg), Nizhnekamsky (20.1 kg), Aktanyshsky (19.5 kg), Aznakaevsky (19.2 kg), Arsky (18.4 kg), Vysokogorsky (18.4 kg) and Tyulyachinsky districts(18, 1 kg).

Recall, on June 25, 2019, the Republic of Tatarstan for the first time crossed the mark of 4,000 tons for milk production per day. Traditionally, summer is called the time of "big milk." During this period, animal productivity increases. Then, in the winter there is a slight decline. In the same year, Tatarstan again managed to 4,000 tons in May. Today's gross milk yield is 4,003.9 tons.

It should be noted that dairy cattle breeding is one of the priority areas of the Tatarstan agro-industrial complex and, thanks to the implementation by the Ministry of a range of measures to support the production and sale of milk in the republic, positive results are noted. Tatarstan is the leader in terms of production and sales of marketed milk among the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

According to operational data from the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia, as of May 11, 2020, the daily volume of milk sales by agricultural organizations amounted to 50.4 thousand tons, which is 7.1% more than the same indicator in 2019 (3.3 thousand tons).

The maximum sales volumes were achieved in the Republic of Tatarstan, Krasnodar Territory, Voronezh, Kirov, Novosibirsk, Sverdlovsk, Leningrad, Belgorod, Moscow and Nizhny Novgorod Regions, the Udmurt Republic and Altai Territory.

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