Each district has its own capabilities, but attention to working people, laying the foundation of the future crop in today's difficult conditions, is equally important everywhere

18 May 2020, Monday

Organization of work and motivation of workers seriously affects the pace of sowing. This was pointed out at a meeting in the Government House by the Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Tatarstan - Minister of Agriculture and Food of the Republic Marat Zyabbarov.

The President of the Republic of Tatarstan Rustam Minnikhanov held a videoconference with all municipal areas.

Marat Zyabbarov gave an example of the Tyulyachinsky district, where according to the results of every 3 working days, 53 machine operators have already received monetary prizes: 3,000 rubles for 1 place, 2,000 rubles for 2, 1,000 rubles for 3. Also, those who were involved in harrowing and fertilizing were not left unattended.

As the norm-shifts are carried out, they are encouraged in the Aznakaevsky district. During the sowing campaign, the delivery of 180 certificates is planned for a total of 160 thousand rubles.

Weekly, machine operators from Alekseevsky, Apastovsky, Arsky, Zelenodolsky, Kukmorsky, Novosheshminsky, Rybno-Slobodsky, Sarmanovsky, Tukaevsky districts are encouraged with prizes.

“On May 14, during a working trip to Alekseevsky District, I personally took part in the presentation of awards to sowing leaders: the best machine operators received 6 monetary certificates for the week (for 1 place - 2000 rubles, 2 place - 1500, 3 place - 1000 rubles)” , - noted the head of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Tatarstan.

The Minister noted that in many areas the rewarding is planned based on the results of the sowing. So in Zainsky district it is planned that the best worker will get a car (Lada Granta), the best economy - 100 thousand rubles, this amount will be distributed equally between the employees of the enterprise (12 thousand rubles - to the head, 8 thousand rubles - to the engineer and 5 thousand to 12 machine operators). The economy, which took 2nd place will receive 75 thousand rubles, and the third - 55 thousand. In total, the district laid 1.6 million rubles for these purposes.

“This kind of encouragement is held annually, and the amount of remuneration increases every year. As a result, Zainsky district is the leader in the pace of spring field work and productivity. You can draw conclusions yourself, ”the Vice Prime Minister summed up.

Marat Zyabbarov drew attention to the fact that, of course, each district has its own capabilities, but attention to working people, laying the foundation of the future harvest in today's difficult conditions is equally important everywhere!

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