In Tatarstan, rural residents will be able to get rental housing, buy it for 10% of the cost after 5 years or for 1% in 10 years

12 May 2020, Tuesday

The Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Tatarstan reports that since 2020, the state program "Integrated Development of Rural Territories" has been implemented in Tatarstan. The program provides, in particular, the creation of conditions for providing affordable and comfortable housing to the rural population, the development of human resources, the creation and development of infrastructure, etc.

The state program under the subprogram “Development of housing construction in rural areas and improvement of households” involves improving the living conditions of citizens living and working in rural areas. Of the total funding provided for in 2020 in the amount of 1,644.6 million rubles, 414.4 million rubles were allocated for housing construction, including 247.6 million rubles 7.3 thousand square meters housing for rental. One of the mechanisms of the subprogram is social recruitment.

The program participant can be a family or a citizen of the Russian Federation, recognized as needing to improve his living conditions, permanently living in rural areas, having mandatory registration at the place of residence and working in rural areas for at least one year, regardless of the organization's field of activity.

Subsidies are provided to the local government for the construction of housing under rental contracts, jointly with the employer as well. Funds are provided for the construction of an individual residential building in a contractual manner and shared participation in apartment buildings.

The amount of the subsidy is 80% of the estimated cost of housing at the expense of the federal and republican budgets. Means of the local budget and (or) an employer - at least 20% (local budget 1% + employer 19%).

The constructed housing is made into municipal ownership or joint (local government and an employer), with the financial participation of the employer, and transferred to the citizen for use on a rental basis.

A citizen after 5 years of work under an employment contract has the right to purchase a dwelling with the appropriate employer at a price not exceeding 10% of the estimated cost, and after 10 years - at a price not exceeding 1%.

The program has just begun its work in 2020, and the ministry has now sent proposals to municipal areas on the formation of applications for the construction of hired housing.

You can consult on rental housing issues in the Investment Policy Department of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Tatarstan by calling 8 (843) 221-76-29 or by calling the single call center number 8-800-444-16-70.

For reference:

The state program "Integrated development of rural territories", is designed for the period up to 2025. The total amount of financing of the state program in 2020 - 2025 is about 2.3 trillion rubles, including 1 trillion rubles from the federal budget. The state program provides the implementation of measures aimed at improving the welfare and level of employment of the rural population, maintaining its share in the total population of the country, creating comfortable living conditions, including the development of water supply and sanitation, communications and telecommunications, increasing the level of gasification, creating accessible conditions for obtaining social educational and health services, as well as improving the quality of road infrastructure.

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