An entrepreneur from Tyulyachinsky district opened a sheep farm with the support of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Tatarstan

4 May 2020, Monday

The Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Tatarstan announced the acceptance of documents for the grants for the development of family farms. The maximum grant is 30 million rubles. And today, there are already many people who, thanks to the grant support, have opened their family farms. One of these is the peasant farm of Ramil Kiyamov.

The first thing your eye catches when you drive up to the family farm "Kiyamov R.N." in the village of Tryuk-Tyamti, is the tidiness of the territory. This love of order helps the local farmer Ramil Kiyamov in everything: in production and in social affairs.

- When in 2011, leaving the position of team leader at Maksabash LLC, I created a farm, there was a real dump of all garbage on this site, - Ramil Nuretdinovich remembers. - We put the territory in order, cultivated the land and planted it with perennial grasses. Now here is a man-made meadow, where we get the green feed or hay for animals.

2019, according to Kiyamov, was the most successful year. A high yield of crops was obtained.

“And most importantly, we won the grant, received 3.4 million rubles of budget support from the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Tatarstan,” Ramil smiles. - And now we are completing the reconstruction of the shepherd with a subsequent increase of sheep number. And we also bought a new MTZ-82 tractor with a loader. If you are not afraid of work and have a clear business plan, you can succeed.

“The peasant farm consists of three jobs with a timely salary, and annual rent to the population for land shares, cleaning the streets from snow in winter, and sponsorship for celebrations,” says Farit Makhmutov, head of the Verkhne-Kibyakozinsky rural settlement. - There are many other social issues that we solve together with the farmer.

“Your own business is also a responsibility, and you need to understand that there will be difficulties, so you need to plan everything in advance, calculate, and work out solutions,” the farmer says. “Besides, I have invested so much in my business - both strength, and means, and soul ...”

Now in the farm there are 390 sheep, including 160 ewes. There are horses. There is a good forage base: natural pastures and 170 hectares of unit land, where crops and perennial grasses are grown. The farmer’s thoughts are aimed only at development, at moving forward.

The Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Tatarstan reminds that the acceptance of documents for a grant continues until May 8, 2020. The grant can be used for the construction of dairy farms, cattle fattening farms, sheep breeding, the maintenance of dairy goats, meat and egg poultry farms (chickens, turkeys, geese, ducks and quails), horse farms and fish farms.

You can get detailed information on grant support issues by calling the call center of the Ministry of Agriculture of the RT 8 (800) 444-16-70, as well as by calling: 8 (843) 221-76-53, 221-76-54 (55) .

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