Marat Zyabbarov took part in a meeting for monitoring the situation with socially significant agricultural products and food

29 April 2020, Wednesday

The Minister of Agriculture Dmitry Patrushev held a regular meeting to monitor the situation with socially significant agricultural products and food. The event was attended by the Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Tatarstan - Minister of Agriculture and Food of Tatarstan Marat Zyabbarov.

As Dmitry Patrushev noted, today organizations with technological processes that involve a significant concentration of people in one place, in slaughter, processing and sorting shops, are in the special attention zone. In order to prevent coronavirus infection in enterprises, it is necessary to create reserves of labor resources. In addition, it is necessary to limit the movement of workers inside the workshops and, if necessary, introduce a shift schedule.

“Our common task is to ensure a stable supply of the agricultural products and food. Last week, the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation addressed to the head of each subject the recommendations on the organization of work of agricultural enterprises in the current conditions. They concern not only system-forming enterprises, but also any organizations of the agro-industrial complex and related industries, the functioning of which may affect the stability of the domestic market and the course of spring field work. Each agricultural organization should develop its own clear plan of action, ”the head of the Ministry of Agriculture emphasized, urging the regions to pay special attention to the implementation of the recommendations.

In Tatarstan, there are 1,170 livestock enterprises and more than a thousand enterprises of the food and processing industry. All agricultural enterprises have taken measures to prevent the spread of coronavirus infection. Also, in order to ensure the smooth functioning of agricultural enterprises, action plans have been developed in case of negative developments. The Ministry, together with the heads of municipal districts, took personal control of the implementation of these plans.

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