Marat Zyabbarov met with journalists in a video mode

21 April 2020, Tuesday

Today, the Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Tatarstan - Minister of Agriculture and Food of Tatarstan Marat Zyabbarov met with journalists in a video mode.

“You all know that, despite the self-isolation regime introduced in the republic, at this difficult time, farmers continue to work so that each of us has fresh products on the tables. Now for all farmers, the most crucial time is when the foundation of the future harvest is being laid, ”said Marat Zyabbarov, starting his speech with a summary of the sowing season.

Sown areas in the Republic of Tatarstan this year will make 2.8 million hectares, which is the same as last year. According to the structure of crops, the area of sugar beets decreases

by 25%. These areas will be sown with crops. Since autumn, winter crops were sown on an area of 494 thousand ha. To date, their condition is assessed as good. Death is predicted within 7.0 thousand hectares.

As of today, 157 thousand hectares have been sown (9% of the forecast), including spring crops - 129 thousand ha (12%); annual grasses and fodder mixture - 19 thousand hectares (9%). High rates are at Zainsky - 14.8 thousand ha (33%), Buinsky - 17.7 thousand ha (27%), Aznakaevsky - 10.6 thousand ha (18%), Nurlatsky - 11.5 thousand ha (24%), Drozhzhanovsky - 8.0 thousand ha (18%), Chistopol district- 6.0 thousand ha (9%).

The sowing campaign will involve: 11 thousand tractors, 6 thousand seeders, more than 5 thousand cultivators and 680 sowing complexes. Readiness is almost 100%.

The basis for obtaining high crop yields are mineral fertilizers. They not only increase productivity, but also improve its quality: the content of sugars, fats and proteins, as well as biologically active substances, increases. 54.9 kg.d / ha (2019 - 45.4 kg a.s. / ha with a plus of 9.5 kg compared to last year) were accumulated . At least 70 kg a.s. / ha are planned for the crop.

The amount of state support for 2020 is 15.1 billion rubles, including: 5.1 billion rubles - from the budget of the Russian Federation and 10.0 billion rubles from the budget of the RT.

For spring field work they provided 6.0 billion rubles subsidies. A bulk of the funds

(4.5 billion rubles., 75%) has already been allocated to farms.

For agrarians, the possibility of soft loans is provided at a rate of 1 to 5% per annum. In 2020, the Republic provides a 572.6 million rubles limit of subsidies.

On April 17 authorized banks agreed and sent to the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation 152 applications for 12.2 billion rubles. As of April 17, 2020, the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation approved 143 applications for 11.2 billion rubles. In small forms, 82 applications for 395 million rubles were approved. 121 loans worth 9.1 billion rubles were approved by the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation.

The head of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Tatarstan reminded that agricultural insurance is a real opportunity for agricultural producers to conduct stable activities, to forecast incomes in advance, without fear of adverse weather conditions. This is especially true for regions of risky farming. The size of the insured areas of winter crops for the 2020 crop is 62.2 thousand hectares (2.1%). In 2019, Talisman JSC got reimbursed 110 million rubles for the insured event. Also, for the death of winter crops in 2019, it was decided to compensate from the federal budget only the insured areas.

For spring field work, farmers are provided with diesel fuel. In total, 140 thousand tons are needed, including 70 thousand tons for spring field work. There is an arrangement with PJSC TATNEFT on the release of diesel fuel to agricultural producers of the republic at a price of 41,200 rubles / ton. (For reference: small wholesale prices at oil depots - 47-48 thousand rubles / ton, wholesale prices at oil refineries - 46.8 thousand rubles / ton).

Marat Zyabbarov added that for the successful completion of the spring field work, not only the serviceability of the equipment is important, but first of all, people's health. In this situation, to prevent the spread of coronavirus infection, the Ministry adopted a set of measures for the smooth functioning of the agro-industrial complex.

The Deputy Prime Minister also spoke about the innovations: the summer rural employment program for the urban population and the creation of a call center of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food Production of the Republic of Tatarstan.

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