SUMMER EMPLOYMENT IN THE VILLAGE - 2020: Over 2 days, more than 160 citizens expressed a desire to work in the village

15 April 2020, Wednesday

The Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Tatarstan announced a set for "SUMMER EMPLOYMENT IN THE VILLAGE - 2020" with the accompaniment of labor relations with employers. This measure was taken in connection with the decline in economic activity in a number of industries and in the service sector, which freed up a significant mass of labor resources, and the needs of urban residents in seasonal employment.

For 2 days of accepting applications, starting from April 13, the number of applicants has already reached more than 160 people, a significant number is occupied by food service specialists. The number of agricultural enterprises that are ready to accept a job is also increasing. There were about 400 vacancies earlier, then today there are already 530 with different living conditions.

Agricultural enterprises are ready to hire for different terms: from 1 to 6 months. There are not only agronomists and tractor drivers among the sought-after specialties, but also welders, economists, locksmiths, engineers, builders, laborers, shepherds, auxiliary workers, and this week, for example, the need for cooks increased. The most popular specialists are: general workers - 220 vacancies, machine-tractor drivers - 95, vegetable growers and plant breeders - 40 and livestock breeders - 50.

The Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Tatarstan reminds that to apply, you must follow the link and fill out the primary form. Employees of the State Budget Institution “Center of Competencies for the Development of Cooperation in the Republic of Tatarstan” will individually work out each application and help them find the right vacancy. Everything is in remote form. You will not need to leave the house for an interview, it will be conducted online.

The Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Tatarstan informs that all labor contracts will be registered with subsequent monitoring of the observance of the rights of the employee in terms of work, accommodation and remuneration. Contact phone numbers of operators GBU TsKSK RT for consultations: 8 (843) 292-07-59, 8987-172-04-28.


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