News from the fields: Farmers are sure that snow falling in the midst of spring field work will not be harmful

13 April 2020, Monday

Currently, weather conditions have paused field work in some areas of Tatarstan. Somewhere there is 5 cm thick snow. But farmers are optimistic.

As noted in the agricultural departments of Agryzsky, Aksubaevsky, Almetyevsky, Kukmorsky, Novosheshminsky districts, work, of course, was suspended. “The seedlings have not yet come out, so the snow will not cause harm. Such warm snow we consider as fertilizer. There is only moisture accumulation. Literally in 2-3 days everything will melt, and we will again go out to the fields”, agrarians of the districts say.

Now winter crops are fed on an area of 471.4 thousand ha, perennial grasses - 362.5 thousand ha, i.e. over 86%. In total this year, winter crops will be fed on an area of 486.7 thousand ha, perennial grasses - on 484.1 thousand ha.

The harrowing was carried out on 354.8 thousand hectares of perennial grasses, 129.3 thousand hectares of winter crops and 822.6 thousand hectares of fallow and steam, which is 42% in total.

Sowing was performed a little more than on 3% of the planned. Thus, according to current data from the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Tatarstan, 86 hectares of oats, 1020 hectares of wheat and 4283 hectares of barley are sown today in the Buinsky district. In Nurlatsky - 3,736 ha of barley and 325 ha of wheat. In the Drozhzhanovsky district, 1,515 hectares of barley and 50 hectares of oats were sown, in Aznakaevsky - 1,060 hectares of barley and 130 hectares of oats, in Aktanyshsky - 803 hectares of barley and 200 hectares of oats, in Almetyevsky - 850 hectares of barley and 350 hectares of oats, in Mamadyshsky - 300 hectares barley and 250 ha of oats, in Menzelinsky - 800 ha of barley and 50 ha of oats, in Muslyumovsky - 200 ha of barley and 100 ha of oats, in Spassky - 1588 ha of barley and 110 ha of oats, in Tukaevsky - 200 ha of barley and 100 ha of oats, in Cheremshansky - 1598 hectares of barley and 85 hectares of oats, in Chistopolsky - 4000 hectares of barley and 800 hectares of oats.

Barley was sown in Zainsky district on 8915 hectares, in Aksubaevsky - 2757 hectares, Alekseevsky - 430 hectares, Apastovsky - 100 hectares, Bavlinsky - 30 hectares, Kaybitsky - 300 hectares, Nizhnekamsky - 1900 hectares, Novosheshminsky - 200 hectares, Sarmanovsky - 2350 hectares, Tetyushsky - 400 ha.

Oats are sown in the Yelabuga district on 80 hectares and in Laishevsky district on 100 hectares.

In total, sowing was performed on 55.2 thousand ha, and a total of 1796.5 thousand ha are to be sown.

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