Tatarstan investigates soil biocompatibility with seeds and preparations

9 April 2020, Thursday

Effective agribusiness begins with an agrochemical survey of soils. The modern laboratory of FSBI CAC Tatarsky makes analyzes of soils, water, agrochemicals, grain, etc.

Today, the agricultural chemical service is engaged in a new method for assessing the suitability of soil for cultivating crops, where the biological compatibility of soils with seeds and preparations is evaluated. And also district agrochemists conduct rapid diagnostics of nutrition of winter crops.

The main activity in the agrochemical soil survey is carried out using modern automated samplers.

The point of growth in crop yields is liming of acidic soils. The Agrochemical Service continues to accept applications for preparation of design estimates for participation in the federal program for liming acidic soils by calling (843) 277-57-64, 277-57-22, the official website:

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