Rural mortgage at 3%: Impressions of the first new settlers

8 April 2020, Wednesday

Residents of Tatarstan actively joined the program of preferential rural mortgages developed by the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia. Any citizen of Russia can apply for a mortgage regardless of work or residence in rural areas aged 21 to 65 years. For example, a person who wants to move to a village. But the construction object or land must necessarily be located in rural areas, which include villages, towns and rural agglomerations, urban-type villages and small years with a population of up to 30 thousand people. For example, Agryz, Aksubaevo, Apastovo, Arsk, Buinsk, Laishevo, Menzelinsk and others.

One of the first recipients of a rural mortgage - Alexei Korsakov, works as a driver, his wife is the owner of the store, they have a son.

- We decided that it was time to get our own housing, we had already taken a mortgage at 10.9 percent per annum. Of course, we quickly reoriented, ”says Alexey Valerevich. - With registration in the Agricultural Bank (while a rural mortgage can be obtained only there), there was no red tape, my salary satisfied the credit institution.” They received 1.4 million rubles, added their funds and bought a house in the city of Tetyushi.

The Korsakovs house has three rooms, there is gas, water, electricity. Near the house there is a small personal plot. The other day - a housewarming party. And, of course, not far off - garden chores. A happy family is already buying vegetable seeds, flower seedlings.

Korsakov received a loan at 3% per annum for a period of 20 years. The monthly loan payment will be 7 thousand rubles with the right to early payment of the debt.

- We already bought a refrigerator, gas stove, TV. Some furniture was left by the previous owners, ”says Alexey Valerevich. “I am satisfied, without this program, I don’t know when I would solve my housing problem,” Korsakov notes.

The Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Tatarstan reminds that the federal subprogram of preferential mortgage lending to citizens of the Russian Federation has been developed as part of the state program “Integrated Development of Rural Areas”. This year 2.2 billion rubles are provided for its implementation in Tatarstan. The first preferential mortgage loans have already been issued in Aktanyshsky, Tetyushsky, Kamsko-Ustyinsky, Pestrechinsky and Laishevsky districts.

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