Tatarstan flour mills, livestock farmers and agricultural producers can apply for the purchase of grain from the intervention fund at reduced prices

7 April 2020, Tuesday

The Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Tatarstan informs that on April 6, the National Commodity Exchange began accepting applications for accreditation for participation in commodity interventions. The trading volume will be up to 1.5 million tons, the preliminary date of the trading start is April 13.

Given the high level of grain prices, the Ministry of Agriculture decided to conduct commodity interventions, which will help to stabilize the price situation. In accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 05.10.2016 No. 1003, commodity interventions are carried out if the price of grain on the market is higher than established by Order of the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia dated 05.03.2020 No. 110.

Under this mechanism, it is planned to sell about 1.5 million tons of grain exclusively in the domestic market. If, due to ongoing commodity interventions, the price of grain falls below the prices established by the Order, commodity interventions will be discontinued. At the same time, the sale of grain from the intervention fund can be continued in accordance with Order of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 817-r dated 03/31/2020.

Documents for participation in tenders will be accepted on exchange platforms in Moscow, Novosibirsk, Rostov-on-Don, Yekaterinburg, Samara, Nizhny Novgorod. Please note that the acceptance of documents on the exchange platforms is carried out in non-contact form in accordance with the Rules for the contactless provision of documents on the exchange platforms.

Participants in the categories "Mukomol", "Feed", "Livestock" and "Agricultural commodity producer" are allowed to organized tenders. Selling grain will be carried out at prices established by order of the Ministry of Agriculture.

According to him, the minimum prices for commodity interventions (for the period June 30, 2021) for wheat of the 3rd class in the Central, North Caucasus and Southern Districts are proposed to be set at 8,800 rubles per ton (including VAT) and 9,680 rubles per ton (excluding VAT), in the North-West - at 7,400 rubles and 8,140 rubles, in the Volga - 9,100 rubles and 10,010 rubles, in the Ural - 9,000 rubles and 9,900 rubles, in the Siberian and Far Eastern districts - at 8 100 rubles and 8 910 rubles per ton, respectively.

Wheat prices of the 4th class in the Central, North Caucasian and Southern districts are offered at 8,000 rubles and 8,800 rubles per ton, in the North-West - at 6,700 rubles and 7,370 rubles, in the Volga - at 8,600 rubles and 9,460 rubles, in the Urals - 8,200 rubles and 9,020 rubles, in the Siberian and Far Eastern - 7,500 rubles and 8,250 rubles per ton.

Prices for wheat of the 5th class in the Central, North Caucasian and Southern districts are proposed at 7,200 rubles and 7,920 rubles per ton, in the North-West - 6,300 rubles and 6,930 rubles, in the Volga region - 7,300 rubles and 8 030 rubles, in the Ural - 7,100 rubles and 7,810 rubles, in the Siberian and Far Eastern districts - 6,600 rubles and 7,260 rubles per ton.

Corn prices in the Central, North Caucasian and Southern districts can be set within 7,400 rubles and 8,140 rubles, in the North-West - 6,900 rubles and 7,590 rubles, in the Volga - 7,800 rubles and 8,580 rubles, in Ural - 8 700 rubles and 9 570 rubles, in the Siberian and Far Eastern - 9 000 rubles and 9 900 rubles per ton.

Minimum prices for rye in the Central, North Caucasian and Southern Districts were proposed at 7,500 rubles and 8,250 rubles per ton, in the North-West - 7,000 rubles and 7,700 rubles, in the Volga - 5,600 rubles and 6,160 rubles, in Ural - 7,200 rubles and 7,920 rubles, in the Siberian and Far Eastern districts - 4,700 rubles and 5,170 rubles per ton.

Barley prices in the Central, North Caucasian and Southern Districts are 7,900 rubles and 8,690 rubles per ton, in the North-West - 6,200 rubles and 6,820 rubles, in the Volga region - 7,300 rubles and 8,030 rubles, in the Ural - 6,300 rubles and 6,930 rubles, in the Siberian and Far Eastern districts - 6,600 rubles per ton and 7,260 rubles per ton, respectively (including VAT and without VAT).

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