Tatarstan produces more than 6% of all Russian milk

7 April 2020, Tuesday

On April 6, the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Tatarstan summed up the results of the livestock industry for the first quarter of 2020. The meeting in the videoconferencing regime was chaired by the Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Tatarstan - Minister of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Tatarstan Marat Zyabbarov.

The event was attended by heads of agricultural departments, livestock consultants, heads of breeding and breeding services of agricultural and food departments in municipal areas and other responsible persons.

In Tatarstan, more than 6% of all Russian milk is produced. Therefore, close attention is paid to the development of dairy cattle breeding.

Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Tatarstan Lenar Garipov acquainted those present with the results of the livestock industry for the first quarter of this year. In his speech, he focused on issues of milk and meat production, as well as analysis of the operation of farms.

Today the number of cattle on the territory of the republic is 706 thousand heads, including cows - 234.7 thousand heads, pigs - 462.4 thousand heads, sheep and goats - 61.4 thousand heads, poultry - 17.2 million heads, horses - 19 thousand heads.

For the first quarter of this year, agricultural enterprises produced 340.5 thousand tons of milk (107% in relation to last year), 103.7 thousand tons of meat (105%), including (grown) 24.8 thousand cattle tons (100%), pigs - 23.9 thousand tons (110%), poultry - 54.4 thousand tons (105%).

Due to the early start of the sowing campaign this year, Marat Zyabbarov asked not to weaken the attention from the livestock industry: “Cash proceeds from crop production will begin to arrive not earlier than in August. Four months farms will have to conduct economic activity at the expense of funds from the sale of milk and meat. Soon the period of summer camps begins. This year it is also expected earlier. I recommend that in ordinary classic farms, where there is still no uniform feeding, immediately start preparing for summer camps, and next year plan to switch to year-round uniform feeding. ”

It is important to pay attention to water supply and balanced feeding on farms in order to increase productivity. A striking example of efficiency is the result of the work of Igenche LLC of Tyulyachinsky and Embulatovo of Buinsky districts, where productivity growth is up to 30%.

In personal subsidiary plots of insemination of cows and heifers, an increase of 7% is observed. The effectiveness of artificial insemination has been proven. For example, for the mating of 300 cows, 10 production bulls must be kept, the purchase and maintenance costs of which amount to 1.2 million rubles per year. Then, when organizing the work of a technologist, it is spent 2 times less and plus we get ensured genetics, calving planning and veterinary well-being.

The Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Tatarstan regularly organizes training of inseminators on the basis of the Tatar Institute of Retraining of Agribusiness Personnel. At the past courses in March of this year, the Arsky, Atninsky, Baltasinsky, Buinsky and Kukmorsky Districts showed great activity and professional interest.

The introduction of automated accounting in animal husbandry helps to properly manage herd management. Efficiency of use is confirmed by livestock breeders of the Atninsky, Baltasinsky, Kukmorsky, Mamadyshsky and Sabinsky areas.

In March, subsidies in amount of 1.2 billion rubles from the budget of the Republic of Tatarstan and the Russian Federation for sold milk for the January, February months of the current year were allocated to municipal regions. The Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Tatarstan called for using state support to restore the livestock of dairy herds in the region. For example, Buinsky and Tetyushsky districts, which replace leukemia cows with healthy heifers. Over the year, leukemia virus infection decreased by 15 and 7%, respectively.

The head of the Main Directorate of Veterinary of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Tatarstan - the Main State Veterinary Inspector of the Republic of Tatarstan Almaz Khisamutdinov reported on the work of the State Veterinary Service of the Republic of Tatarstan for the first quarter of this year. To date, the plan of antiepizootic measures has been implemented by 66%. They plan to complete vaccination against especially dangerous diseases common to humans and animals by mid-April, when they will begin to release them on pastures.

The State Service also controls the proper conditions of the territories of cattle burial grounds, livestock breeding complexes and the territories adjacent to them. During the ecological two-month period, they must completely clear the territory of the farms from biological waste and manure.

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