Agrosila optimizes repair campaign costs through lean manufacturing

6 April 2020, Monday

In the new season, Agrosila allocated 500 million rubles to the annual repair campaign, a year earlier the amount of investments was 900 million rubles, said Peter Chaplygin, Deputy General Director of Agrosila JSC for issues of the activities of Agrosila Service JSC. “Due to lean manufacturing, which allows us to ensure proper operation of special equipment, and the work carried out last season, we were able to more than halve the necessary costs for the repair of equipment. We also developed standard operating cards, providing them with the necessary tools, which allows us to restore and not buy more and more positions, ”said Peter Chaplygin.

Traditionally, the repair campaign at the enterprise begins on November 1 and ends on April 1, after which the equipment enters the fields. Before the start of work, the necessary components are purchased, if necessary, the fleet is replenished, and the company itself goes through several stages: repair of units for pre-sowing processing, then - equipment necessary for fodder harvesting, combine harvesters, and last - beet harvesting equipment.

According to the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Tatarstan, 90 specialists took part in the new repair season, who prepared fleets of agricultural holding companies, processing enterprises - Chelny-Broiler LLC, Zainsky Sugar LLC, Agrosila Milk LLC, as well as machinery operated by mechanical gears - LLC "Agrosila Logistics." Today, the Holding has approximately equal amounts of imported and domestic equipment. The latter, for the most part, is the segment of light tractors (MTZ, VTZ, etc.) and trucks (KamAZ), while the imported one, in turn, are powerful, high-tech, energy-saturated tractors, complex trailers, engaged in carrying out technological field operations machines, grain and beet harvesters.

According to Peter Chaplygin, repair processes are built by the AGRO production system in such a way as to identify and reduce all types of losses. They include overproduction, waiting time, the presence of extra stages of processes, repeated repairs, the implementation of unnecessary actions, the existence of surplus stocks and excessive transportation. Identification and reduction of losses occurs through the use of lean manufacturing tools such as organizing a 5S workplace, building a value stream, continuous improvement as well as standardized work.

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