A bank that will start issuing preferential consumer loans to villagers has been identified

2 April 2020, Thursday

The Ministry of Agriculture of Russia and JSC "Agricultural Bank" have signed an agreement on the implementation of the program of preferential consumer lending to rural residents - one of the key tools of the state program "Integrated Development of Rural Areas".

A soft loan at a rate of up to 5% per annum is provided to Russian citizens aged 23 to 65 years with permanent registration in rural areas. Its amount can be up to 250 thousand rubles for a period of up to 5 years. An even lower interest rate of 3% per annum is valid for personal insurance.

The Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Tatarstan recalls that the state program for the integrated development of rural territories was approved by the Government of the Russian Federation in the end of May last year. Its implementation is aimed at a comprehensive and systematic improvement of the quality of life in rural areas.

This loan is targeted. Villagers can use it to purchase and install equipment to provide their households with electricity and water, wastewater, heating and gas supplies under contract agreements concluded with the organizations-executors of the work. Borrowed funds under contracts can also be used to repair residential buildings (premises) located in rural areas.

The list of rural territories is approved by Order of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Tatarstan No. 48/2-pr dated 05.03.2020. According to the normative document, villages, towns and rural agglomerations are assigned to rural territories, i.e. urban-type villages and small towns with a population of up to 30 thousand people. For example, Agryz, Aksubaevo, Apastovo, Arsk, Buinsk, Laishevo, Menzelinsk and others entered here.

Earlier, on March 3, the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia and Rosselkhozbank JSC entered into an agreement on preferential rural mortgages and began to implement this program.

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