Tatarstan exporters can receive subsidies for transportation and certification of products, soft loans and other measures of state support

25 March 2020, Wednesday

Today, a workshop was held at the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Tatarstan on measures of state support for agricultural product exporters with the participation of the director of the Department of Information Policy and Special Projects of the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia Roman Chekushov, the First Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Tatarstan Nail Zalakov. The export-oriented enterprises of the republic, such as JSC Kazan Oil Extraction Plant ”, NEFIS-BIOPRODUKT JSC, August-Muslum LLC, Chistopolsky Plant of Vegetable Oils, HC Zernoprodukt JSC, OO About Zernotrade, LLC Agropro also attended the event. It was held in the mode of video conferencing.

They examined the existing support measures for exporters, among which there are soft loans, subsidized transport costs and certification costs, as well as incentive measures for the production of certain types of oilseeds.

Roman Cherkushov said that by the new rules, the limit on the amount of a short-term loan per borrower was removed (earlier it could be no more than 600 million rubles) and the list of targets for procurement was expanded. This includes meal (cake, husk), oilseeds for the production of vegetable oils, wild plants for the production of fruit and vegetable and berry preserves, confectionery, sugar beets, sugar. The list of investment lending target areas has also been expanded. The rate on preferential loans will make 4.6%.

Also, during the seminar it was announced that since 2020, the Russian Ministry of Agriculture has introduced a new measure of state support. Subsidies will be given to farmers involved in the cultivation of oilseeds such as soybeans and rapeseed. The use of seed varieties or hybrids listed in the State Register for a specific region and the achievement of established performance indicators is required.

Certification of products is subsidized in amount of 50 to 90% of the costs incurred, and transportation costs - within 50% for the transportation of goods at the territory of the Russian Federation.

In the format of an active dialogue, the ministry’s specialists discussed with the agricultural producers of Tatarstan the export restraining factors. Factors were: deferred payments and the risks of not receiving them, non-refund of VAT, the possibility of cargo downtime on the way and related additional costs, etc. One of the proposals was the export transaction insurance.

Nail Zalkov announced his readiness to provide the agricultural producers of Tatarstan with all the necessary support in export matters. “Promotion of Tatarstan products to new sales markets remains a priority for the development of the agricultural sector in Russia. Moreover, today export prices are very attractive”, said the First Deputy Minister.

The Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Tatarstan informs potential exporters that it is possible to consult on issues of state export support by calling (843) 221-76-23, 8-903-343-9999, 8-987-296-3939.

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