Scientists of Tatarstan have bred a new variety of spring wheat to 100 years anniversary of TASSR

19 February 2020, Wednesday

Scientists of the Tatar Scientific Research Institute of Agriculture of the Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences specially for the 100th anniversary of the TASSR developed a wheat variety of the same name. For the first time, the variety was presented to the public at the Agro-Industrial Forum, which was held in Kazan from February 12 to 14 with the support of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Tatarstan.

“Our goal was to develop a soft wheat variety suitable for baking, with a high content of protein and gluten. Such grain is in special demand in the export market. ”explained Marcel Tagirov, head of the Research Institute.

TatNIISH FITS KazSC RAS ​​has already sent an application for a patent for a new variety. And it was brought out by the leading scientific employee of the institute Nuraniya Vasilova, who has devoted more than 36 years to science, came to work at the institute as a laboratory assistant after graduating from Kazan State University, and took part in the cultivation of such eminent varieties as Amir, Kazan Anniversary, Ekada-214, Yoldiz and many others . She shared that the breeding of new varieties is ongoing, hybrid combinations are being made, but there is never a guarantee that they will be successful. It can take more than 10 years to breed a good variety. So for the wheat variety “100 years of the TASSR”, crossbreeding was carried out in 2010.

“As a rule, we use a strong, regionalized variety with high yield as a “ mother ”, and as a“ father ” we take a variety with the qualities that we want to plant, for example, resistance to pests, high content of certain elements,” explained Nuraniya Vasilova. So, the newly bred variety has a complex combination. The result is a valuable wheat variety that is quite resistant to disease and exceeds the Yoldiz variety that is popular among farmers.

The researcher also said that a very interesting variety of Nadira wheat with purple grains is now in the test state.


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