The Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Tatarstan invites to take part in the All-Russian contest "My country - my Russia"

3 February 2020, Monday

The Ministry of Agriculture and Food of Tatarstan informs that in 2020 the All-Russian Union of Public Associations "Youth Socio-Economic Initiatives" holds the All-Russian contest of youth authoring and educational projects "My country - my Russia."

The competition is held in two age categories: from 14 to 17 years old and 18 to 35 years old. Each participant must submit one or more projects as part of the declared nomination.

The competition is held in four stages.

For the first age category:

Stage 1 - from December 1, 2019 to February 24, 2020 - acceptance of applications for participation in the competitive selection;

Stage 2 - from February 25 to April 1, 2020 - conducting in-person examination of projects and identifying participants in the in-person stage;

Stage 3 and 4 - November 2020 - presentation and awarding ceremony for the full-time stage participants at the Artek International Children's Center.

For the second age category:

Stage 1 - from December 1, 2019 to February 24, 2020 - acceptance of applications for participation in the competitive selection;

Stage 2 - from February 25 to April 1, 2020 - conducting in-person examination of projects and identifying participants in the in-person stage;

Stage 3 - from April 1 to June 6 - full-time participants present their projects at a federal full-time event.

Stage 4 - from June 3 to 6, 2020 - the award ceremony for the winners of the competition at the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum.

For example, in the My Village nomination, the young people implement projects in the areas of developing rural areas of Russia and preserve the cultural and historical heritage of villages and settlements.

Applications for participation in the Competition are accepted until February 24, 2020. More details about the contest conditions can be found on the website Additional information on participation in the competition can be obtained by calling: +7 (499) 993-72-23, +7 (926) 469-62-17 (contact person Dmitry Turlakov), as well as by e-mail .

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